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  • #52196

    Hi again,

    ive changed themes as suggested, now my issue is id like to have my icons where you originally placed them for me. how do i do that please?


    @shaun.smudger.smith: Sorry your site is offline in maintenance mode. Also I don’t know what you meany by original place.


    sorry about that. out of maintenance mode now. i was using everest but ive changed to evolution now. id like to have my social icons in the bottom right of my header where you suggested before. how do i do this please?



    also is there a way i can bring the menu bar up over the top of the header and make it translucent?


    1. You can created fix header menu. Just create custom menu from “Appearance => Menus” and then assign that menu location as “Fixed Header Top Menu” from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Locations”
    2. About the social icon. I see that you have added in Large Header Image and not the site logo. So, it cannot be added like that. If you have added header image from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Options” then you can add Catch Evolution Social Widget in Header Right Sidebar from “Appearance => Widgets”

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