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    I really like your theme, but adding new events is very cumbersome!

    We often need to add some more information about our events, e.g. where to buy tickets, prices, when it opens/starts etc.

    The easiest way I found was to use the content type “category”, create a dedicated event category, and then create a post for each event. Unfortunately, it is then not possible to change the order of the events (they are shown in reverse order). Also, it is not possible to only show the location in the event list, but not all the other details as mentioned above.

    Using the content type “custom” makes it worse: In order to add a new event, we would first need to add it manually in the theme customizer (which is not really intuitive, because the customizer is supposed to be about theme options and not for adding/changing content!), then create a post with all the details, and then add a link to that post to the event in the customizer. 🤯

    In the past, I used other wordpress plugins for events (e.g. VS Event List), which just adds a new entry “Events” to the WP admin panel, where I can just add/manage our events, and then display it in a page using a widget. Would it be possible to add something similar? This is really the worst part for us about using your theme. We really like how it looks.


    @bluef : Can you please check Essential Content Types Pro plugin which provides events as one of its features. You can make use of shortcode and widgets in the required page to display your event list. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.



    @bluef: We have fixed the order of the Event Category, please update to the latest version.
    About the plugin, we will check it thanks.

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