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  • #321697

    I would like to know how to add a title with a link in the list of posts on the blog page.

    I have looked at the Adonis Pro example website, on the blog page. There you can access the information of a post by clicking on the image, on “continue reading” and on a link in bold. How do you create that bold link?

    Thank you so much.


    @mithrand : If you would like to enable a Blog page you will need to create a page named Blog and select the page do display blog post form from the customizer. To set a Posts page: Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => HomePage Settings.
    Under Your homepage displays : Check on A static page

    Now select a page that you would like to display on Homepage Under Homepage option and select Blog page as Posts page and click on publish to save your settings.
    Hope this helps you out.



    Hi @tikaram:
    Thanks for your answer. Actually I already have created the blog and the indications that you give me I already did.

    My query is how to do as it appears in the theme example: https://catchthemes.com/demo/adonis/blog/

    That is, how to create a link with the title of my post as seen in the example.

    Thanks again.


    @mithrand : The posts on your blog page will have the similar link as seen in the demo of the theme. Are you looking for the code that displays the blog post title? Please let me know so that I can help you with the issue.



    @tikaram: I’ll give you my link with a test post (https://jbravo.es/blog/). The title in all caps is not a link to the content of the post. The post has a title and an h1 with the same title as the post itself, but neither appears as a link.

    I don’t know if I explain myself.


    @mithrand : It looks like you have enabled the cache plugin on your site. Can you please try disabling the cache plugin on your site and check again. If disabling cache plugin doesn’t work then try disabling all plugins for testing purpose and enable each plugin one by one and test your site again. Please let me know if it works after disabling the plugins.


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