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  • #67293

    hi again

    thanks for all your help but im struggling with one more thing. as you can see from on the post on the home page the image is quite small and is lost in the white background. id like to increase its size to look more in keeping. is there a way of doin this please?




    @shaun.smudger.smith: The image size for featured image in archive/homepage is 754px by 400px. But since you remove the border in content and sidebar smaller, it look like that. It should look like


    oh damn it! thats a shame, i wont be able to do what i wanted. oh well thanks alot sakin for your help. so im gonna have to change a few things. could you please help me with:

    1. removing the white border around my search bar and you tube widget. also is there a way to do this with twitter and facebook?

    2. making the background of my social icons and subscribe box transparent

    3. Also, now that ive changed the background colour there are white boxes where my post title is. is there a way of removing it please? just the post title

    thanks again



    sorry i meant page title

    thanks again


    ok ive managed to sort out 1 and 2 but im really struggling with number 3


    @shaun.smudger.smith: Try adding in following css:
    #content .type-page .entry-header { display: none; }


    thanks for your reply sakin but that didnt work. i still want, for example on the recipes page to say recipes but i dont want the white box to be there that it is in




    @shaun.smudger.smith: It should work fine. I don’t see that CSS in your site. Also make sure that you have clear your cache from WP Super Cache plugin settings.


    ok ive cleared wp super cache and what its doin when i put that into css is clearing the page title and leaving a smaler white box. what i want to do is keep the words but not have the white box.




    @shaun.smudger.smith: That background is there as you don’t have any text in that page. ok to remove background in pages, you can add the following css:

    #content .type-page { background-color: transparent; }


    thank you sakin thats sorted it, however now something very strange is happening. When i load up my site the post i have made is showing on the blog page, but if i go to another page and then back to the blog page it disappears.this problem only started last night so im wondering if its because i cleared the cache? or maybe something else, im not sure. thanks again for all your help and apologies for bothering you so much.


    @shaun.smudger.smith: Yes, try clearing your cache after you make any settings changes. I don’t see any content in your blog page.


    there is no button for clearing cache only deleting cache. is this what you mean?


    yes delete cache is same. In some plugin it will have option as Empty Cache, some have Delete Cache and some have “Clear Cache”. All means same.


    ok thanks. ive tried that but the post is still not appearing on the page. not sure whats happened please help me!!


    right ive figured that problem out but on the blog page i have another white box but not on the other pages and im not sure why?


    @shaun.smudger.smith: Oh you want to remove background in posts as well. Then replace the previous css
    #content .type-page { background-color: transparent; }
    With the following css:
    #content .hentry { background-color: transparent; }

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