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    I want an image between the header top menu and the primary menu with my site name and tagline on top.

    I can add the name & tagline to the image if necessary. I’ve tried to follow the instructions for a header image, here’s the problems I have.

    1. The original image size is 3260×1780 px, well within the 1200 x 400 recommended. It doesn’t cover the full width of the page.
    2. I can’t seem to get rid of the search box. (I’ve gone through all the customize options.) This leaves white space above or below the image depending on where I place it.

    Am I getting this all wrong? Should I be trying to do something else than set a header image?
    Is there code I should be inserting somewhere in the CSS? I can copy and paste if I know where to put it.

    I’d appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.


    I’m sorry I forgot my URL — http://www.practicalinspirations.com


    @skstewart : Please use image of width: 1920px and let me know i will provide you the custom css to remove the white space around the image.

    To remove the search box GO to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Right Sidebar Options

    Click on check box : Check to disable Header Right Sidebar

    Hope it helps you .



    Thank you for your help.

    I’ve moved the search box to the sidebar.
    I edited the image to a width of 1920 within the media edit option.
    A couple more questions:

    I would like to have my website name and tagline in the header. Do you recommend I add those to the image in a graphics program? Or, can I change the header background color and still use Site Identity options.

    Thank you again for your help.


    @skstewart: I recommend you to add the website name and tagline to the image. Still the width of the header image is 1500px only. Please Go to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the following css to remove the white space around the image.

    #header-featured-image .wrapper{

    Let me know if you need any further assistance.


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