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  • #8206

    I know there are more customizations in paid version.

    In the meantime, hoping for a CSS hack or to point me where in the theme editor to remove the Thumbnail from showing with the actual post listings. I am using the “featured image” primarily for the Slider and it does not look good when shown next to the post in my case.


    What I Am Trying to Comment out of the code or remove is highlighted in red:

    Thanks for the help with this.


    @mps232: First of all, we don’t provide support to free theme who doesn’t have our Footer credit link. As Footer link is only one credit section through which we provide the theme and support for free.

    If you want to remove the footer credit link. Please upgrade to pro version and then edit it from “Appearance => Theme Options => Footer Editor”.


    Certainly – I just had that updated by the person who implemented it. They didn’t know it was required – no problem.

    Can you help give an answer to the original question?

    Also any tips on the “speed” of this site loading? I had a prior template on there and it was pretty quick before… seems to lag right now and I can’t pinpoint why.

    Thanks for the help on the original question!


    @mps232: the best option to remove the image is just remove the featured image from the posts.


    If I do that @Sakin – the slider would not work then, correct? I am trying to keep the slider operational, but my understanding is I must post a featured image to be able to put it in the slider. Any chance you could point me in the editor where to comment out it from showing while still having the slider work?


    @mps232: Yes then the only option that you have now is to upgrade to Simple Catch Pro theme

    In Simple Catch Pro theme you will get option to user Featured Image Slider, which is independent of post, just upload the image, title, content and links as per you need. So, add image in the slider through Featured Image Slider and remove the featured image in all posts.

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