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    I noticed the theme, Parallax Frame, is creating multiple sizes of each image I upload to my site. Sometimes as many as 9 copies are present for each image. I have a portfolio site so I post a lot of relatively large images, so this is a problem.

    I wondered if it’s necessary for every image to have so many sizes? Can it be set up so only the Featured image has this behavior?

    Can I set all the WordPress created media sizes to 0 so It creates no extra images without causing potential problems if I change the theme in the future?

    Does the Pro version have any extra options to manage this issue?

    Can the Functions or Core files be modified to change this behavior?

    Just trying to get a grip on this. 7 or 8 versions of a headshot or something within a post seems excessive and is bloating my DB and server usages.

    My site is Thanks.


    @dcrosby : It is necessary to have different image sizes because a single image size cannot be adjusted to display as a thumbnail, medium size and large images. Three images are created by wordpress default option and other are generated by theme. we need to display different image sizes in different places thats why its required and cannot be optional.

    If you set WordPress created media sizes to 0 then your future gallery display may not work properly.I don’t recommend you to do that as it may cause problem in future, The pro version have many other features but no option to manage image issue. The functions can be modified but its not recommended as these image sizes are required to work for the proper functionality of the theme.



    Thanks Tikaram, I’ll have to get used to the new methods of multiple versions of each image on the server and in my db.

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