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  • #315296
    Glen Pavelich

    I have static page set, have right side bar selected at default.

    If I put a widget in the right sidebar, on the front end the widget displays below the home page content instead of on the right.  See  (scroll down to the calendar.  You will see a facebook icon below the calendar – this is supposed to be in a side bar on the right.


    @fireflywebs : I  checked your site and it looks like you have not enabled the sidebar. Your site contains no-sidebar class which means sidebar is not enabled on your site. Can you please check and confirm that the sidebar is enabled on your site.
    Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options
    under Homepage/Archive Layout : Select Right Sidebar ( Content, Primary Sidebar ) and click on publish.
    Please let me know if this helps you out.


    Glen Pavelich

    Sorry for the late reply.  Yes, side bar is/was enabled both as default and on Homepage Layout.


    Glen Pavelich

    I do see a class and selector using developer tools ‘inspect’.  Are you looking at the layer under the calendar where the facebook logo is.  The FB logo is in the right sidebar but it’s dropping below.




    Hi Glen,

    Can you update the theme to the latest version so that we both are testing in the same version? Yes, when I check your source, you do have a sidebar on the front page. Also, check you check your settings for “Default Layout” and “Homepage/Archive Layout” at the “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”. So, that we can do the same in our test server to check for issues.

    For a quick fix with your layout, you can add the following CSS in the “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS” box:

    @media screen and (min-width: 64em) {
    	.home.two-columns-layout .content-area {
    		float: left;
    		margin-right: -100%;
    		width: 70%;


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