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  • #27457

    I have just installed catch evolution, jiggled around the header etc. BUT there is a horrible widget (if that’s what its called) Saying ”
    Nothing Found
    Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.”

    How do I remove this as I want to incorporate a nice media slide show it that specific area Yes I am a newbie to all of this & need help
    Thanx peithoemporium


    @peithoemporium: Looks like you don’t have any post published. So, you can create post from “Posts => Add New” or if you want to show static page then go to “Settings => Readings” and select “A static page (select below)” and choose page in “Front page” and save changes.


    I want to remove it, I do not want posts to appear there 🙁


    @peithoemporium: If you don’t want post then what you want to add in. You can add in your welcome page instead. For that just create page, for example “Welcome to” and then add the text in that page and publish it. Then you can show that page in homepage from “Appearance => Readings” and select “A static page (select below)” and choose page in “Front page” and save change


    thanx for the reply, I would like to add a media gallery displaying products randomly. As I said im very new to this 🙁


    @peithoemporium: I am confused what you are trying to do. You can add Image Gallery in your page and then add it ad homepage.

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