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  • #313169

    Hi all

    I cannot edit the gallery template (besides editing with Gutenberg, which does not give the desired options). Please can you explain how I can achieve a responsive masonry gallery?

    The template mentions jetpack, but on contacting catch themes sales support they said I dont need a specific additional plugin. My guess is that this information may be incorrect..

    I searched for the suitable jetpack plugin, but also cannot find one about galleries..

    Thank you for your help in advance. jana°

    my half finished site:

    see gallery near the top of the home page.



    @w3rkjana : Thank you for using Costello Pro theme. I hope you are using Catch Galley plugin to create a Gallery. I checked your site and the reason for not getting the desired layout is due to the image sizes. The images of your Gallery have relatively lower dimensions. I suggest you to use images of larges dimensions.

    Please try using images if dimensions : 1920px * 1080px and let me know if this helps you out.



    Hi Tikaram,


    thank you for your reply. It is not the case that the images are small, most are 1500px and up wide, for example this one     is 2348 x 1749 Pixel.


    But I noticed that they look small (poorly compressed)..  I used the medium size image display setting in the (Gutenberg) editor. I have Catch Gallery plugin installed and activated,- but see no evidence of it, besides the admin/settings panel. See screenshot of my settings there.





    see images here:



    @w3rkjana :I will contact you shortly.




    the top image is of course generated as the page image (no editing possible), and the two smaller images are an ettempt of creating a gallery. with large pixel dimension size images on medium size setting (in WordPress?) (which also looks terrible).

    “thank you for your reply. It is not the case that the images are small, most are 1500px and up wide, for example this one     is 2348 x 1749 Pixel.”



    the top image is of course generated as the page image (no editing possible), and the two smaller images are an ettempt of creating a gallery. with large pixel dimension size images on medium size setting (in WordPress?) (which also looks terrible).


    @w3rkjana : Currently Catch Gallery cannot be setup using blocks.
    You will need to add a Classic Block first.

    Edit a post/page => Add New Block => Classic Block => Add Media => Create Gallery => Select the images you want in your Gallery => Create New Gallery => Now Select the type and size of the Gallery images you want in the Gallery Settings and Click Insert Gallery and Update the post/page.

    Let me know if you are still having issue setting up catch gallery.

    Kind Regards,


    this issue is successfully resolved, thank you for your prompt and helpful assistance!

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