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  • #93064


    I am unable to customize the look of my posts. When I create a post, none of the features in my post editor, such as bold take affect.

    I would like to be able to change the size of the title text, add a subtitle, and change the size and font of the body text. Being able to customize each post differently would be great instead of just changing css for everything.

    Suggestions? You can view at

    In my test post, I have the body text bold and italicized in my editor, but it doesn’t show when published.



    @alwilleford: The reason is you are using excerpt in displaying blog posts. Using excerpt strips out all the html tags and styles and displays only plain text. But if you check the single page of the blog you’ll see the text with styles.
    So you’ll need to display full content instead of excerpt. For this, go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Layout Options and select Show Full Content in Archive Content Layout.
    Let me know if any problem.



    Thanks for your response. I see what you mean. I switched around some of the options to see how they worked out and now I can’t get the image in my post to display. I’ve tried all of the options. The image was showing yesterday.

    Question: So there is no way to make the excerpt a little more decorative? Maybe a large text that is just bolded…anything?

    I have a plugin that allows for subtitles but even on the full content page, it doesn’t display. Suggestions?

    Ideally, this is how I would like the excerpt to display…

    Post Title
    A little bit of text
    “read more”

    Thanks again for your help. Everything you have suggested through all of my threads has worked out great.


    I have been working to figure out my fonts and sizes for my post and other stuff and I pretty much have it to my liking.

    I still would like to know though if there is a way to add a subtitle under the post title (even just using my plugin that I mentioned) and an image to the excerpt.

    Oh, and my image came back in the full post.

    Thanks for ALL of your HELP!!


    @alwilleford: Thank you for your appreciation.
    In the option that you can see No Featured Image in the braces, choosing this option will remove featured image. However, if you do have image in the content, it’ll show up.
    Excerpt is the WordPress core function and it allows only text and nothing else. I you have a plugin for showing subtitle, you can use it.
    Hope you understand.
    Let me know if any problem.



    Can you offer any help with the subtitle. I deactivated my plugin and reactivated it but I am still not able to see the subtitle on the excerpt or the full page post. Could it have something to do with the theme’s coding?



    @alwilleford: For subtitle, you have to do some code customizations. First you’ll need to create a child theme. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE. Then copy content.php from Clean Journal to your child theme. Then add the following codes, in the content.php file line 38 (just above <div class="entry-summary"> line).

    <div class="custom-subtitle">
        <p>Your subtitle goes here.</p>

    This will add subtitle. This is a static string, what you put in here, displays in the front end too.
    Note: Please Change the string/text (Your subtitle goes here.) in the above code as you desired.


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