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  • #33584

    Firstly – great job guys, awesome theme !

    We’re building a small website for our kindergartens ( )and need some tricky css magic to get it to work like we want. Tried tens and tens of different themes, until found Your awesome Evolution theme.

    Couple of questions:
    1. When clicking on a menu item, the page refreshes and jumps to the top. Can this be avoided (maybe in Pro version)?

    2. How to change the font size on category menu items on the main sidebar (currently titled “Vali lasteaed”)

    3. Is it possible to use a different header image on each category page ? So that every kindergarten gets her own header image. We tried “Unique header” plugin ( ) with Taxonomy, but didn’t work. The Pro version seems to have a random header option, but is there a specific header option possible ? Maybe just point us where the code lies and we’ll figure it out ourselves…

    4. We want to use Easy Responcive Tabs plugin in our posts (like in ), but we need to remove the padding, so that the tabs start from the very top of the post

    PS – we probably want to go Pro – will it overwrite all our settings that we’ve made so far using the free theme? Or is it a simple upgrade…


    @wrongrabbit: thanks for your appreciation.

    1. When clicking on a menu item, the page refreshes and jumps to the top. Can this be avoided (maybe in Pro version)?
    — You have very large header image that is why you feel like it jumps to the top. Actually in all WordPress theme, when clicking on menu it will refresh the page to that particular page from header. If you want to load your page directly above the content then you need to add #main after you menu link. So, you can go to “Appearance => Menus” and clear custom menu and then add menu item as links like this

    2. How to change the font size on category menu items on the main sidebar (currently titled “Vali lasteaed”)
    — You can change the font size as per you need in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #secondary .widget_categories ul { font-size: 15px; }

    3. Is it possible to use a different header image on each category page ? So that every kindergarten gets her own header image. We tried “Unique header” plugin ( ) with Taxonomy, but didn’t work. The Pro version seems to have a random header option, but is there a specific header option possible ? Maybe just point us where the code lies and we’ll figure it out ourselves…
    — In Pro version, you can add specific header image for each individual page and post. But the category will load the default header image.

    4. We want to use Easy Responsive Tabs plugin in our posts (like in ), but we need to remove the padding, so that the tabs start from the very top of the post
    — Not so sure about this. So, first try adding in the following first line css and if you further want to reduce the padding then add the second line as well in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #post-113 .entry-content { padding: 0 ;}
    #post-113 .hentry { padding-top: 0; }

    PS – we probably want to go Pro – will it overwrite all our settings that we’ve made so far using the free theme? Or is it a simple upgrade…
    — No you setting will be safe. But yes, you have to reassign Header Image, Menus and Widgets positions as there are additional options.

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