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  • #16126

    Hello Sakin,

    I would like to make a few changes on our website:
    – I would like to have a 1px solid line aoround the content. Is that possible?
    – The heading of the sub pages should be appear in the center of the site.
    – Since we are 2 sisters, is it possible for each of us to have her own social icons?

    Thank you so much!


    The link is:



    You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to add 1px solid line around the content

    #main #content {
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        width: 640px;

    You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to center the page and post title
    .single .entry-title, .page .entry-title { text-align: center; }

    You cannot add 2 social icons with different links. But there is simple solution. You can add one profile from our Theme Options panel whereas for another one you can just install the social icons plugins. There will be lot of social icons plugins at


    Hello Sakin
    thank you so much for your response!
    -Can I put the solid line around the header, sidebar and Blogtitle, too?
    -Also there should not open a page when you are clicking on “BLOG” or “ABOUT”, people should just be able to click on the subsite.
    – We would like to have the font “ProximaNova-Light” for everything on the hompage. Can we change that?


    @Fergie: You have lot of customization and for that you need to hire customizer.

    — You cannot add solid line around the header as it covers the slider as well. If you want to add then you have to add for whole header area by adding the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* For Header */
    #header .layout-978 { border: 1px solid #ccc; }
    /* For Blog Title */
    h1#site-title { border: 1px solid #ccc; }
    /* For Sidebar */
    #sidebar { border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 304px; }

    — You an add the custom menu and then you need to create empty parent link with just # or blank from “Appearance => Menus”

    ProximaNova-Light is not a free font or google font to use in the theme. If you have license of the them then you have to add it manually.

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