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  • #120115

    when I now update the post numbers that are supposed to be shown on the image slider on my home page (, I have three problems:
    1. The image does not stretch all over the available width anymore
    2. There is no sliding from one post feature image to the next anymore.
    3. The space between the bottom of the slider and the four pictures below shrank.

    Do you have any idea what could have happened and how to solve this problem?
    I did not add any new plugins the last half a year.
    Thanks a lot and best regards,


    @micha : There are some jQuery errors on your site. Please try disabling all plugins and check if the error is caused by plugins or not. It looks like the error is associated with fancy box on your site. Please make sure that you use it properly and look for errors. Let me know if you need further assistance.



    Hi Tikaram,
    I did disable all plugins, and also removed any code from my header and footer that was related to the fancy box. I found out that when I disable the Boxzilla plugin, the slider at least starts to automatically move again. But still, there is some black space to its left and right that was never there before. Any idea how to get rid of this?
    Also, I realized that the fourth picture underneath the slider is a smaller size than the three to its left. Wasn’t like this in the past either. How can I make them all the same size again?
    Thanks a lot,


    @micha : This theme is designed to support box design rather than full width as you can view the demo of this theme. It looks like you have activated full width making width : 100%but you have not changed css for other elements inside the page. I suggest you to remove the following additional css and the slider and image size error will be fixed.

    .site {
    	width: 100%;

    Hi Tikaram,
    I tried your solution, but it’s not really a solution for what I’m looking for.
    For years I’ve had a fullwidth website, and I want to keep it that way. I never had a problem with the slider. It was always fullwidth as well, and there was always some space between the slider and the four images underneath it. I’d like to have it that way again. There must have been some coding in the background that removed this setting, and I’m sure there is a way how to get my design back again.
    Please help me with a solution how to achieve this.
    Oh, and by the way: the previous solution you offered does not restore the space that was between the slider and the four images underneath it.
    Thanks a lot,


    @micha : I did some research about your site but i could not find your sliders were full width before and the space below the slider was also not there. Please check these link to view how your site was during April and June
    April 2017 :
    June 2017 :
    I am providing you additional css to make the slider full width and add space below the slider.
    GO to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the following css code

    #main {
        padding-top: 50px;
    .featured-slider .slides img {
        width: 100%;

    Let me know if you need any further assistance.



    Hi Tikaram,
    I just checked the two links you gave me and yes, both sliders in June and April showed a fullwidth slider with space underneath. I’m a little confused to read that you didn’t see it, but it doesn’t matter now, as your code works fine. Thanks a lot!
    There is only one thing still broken: the last of the four small pictures under the slider is not the size of the other three ones to the left. If you check the April and June archive pages, you’ll see they are all supposed to be the same size. How can I achieve this?
    Thanks a lot,


    @micha : The three images under the slider have width: 300px and height: 300px. The fourth image have width: 268px and height: 268px. Please change the dimensions of the fourth image and upload it again with width: 300px and height: 300px, the issue will be solved. This is not a theme or css related issue, its due the small size of image you have used for the fourth image. Maybe you think it was fine earlier with the same image size but it’s not working now on your site. you will need to change the image size and upload a proper sized image. Let me know if you need further assistance.



    Hi Tikaram,
    It’s a little weird that the size of the fourth picture is smaller than the other three. Look at the page archive from April that you sent me:
    It shows that all images are the same size. How can this have changed? It’s going to take a lot of time to reproduce the last one again, so I’d like to be sure this doesn’t happen again.
    Also, as you can see from that archived page, there used to be some white space between the slider and the four images underneath. It’s gone now and I don’t know how to restore it. Can you help?
    Oh, and I just published a new post and included it in the slider, and it creates another issue: the picture is taller than the other ones. How can that happen – I never had that before. I thought they always get cut off in the top and the bottom if they don’t fit in the slider container?
    Thanks a lot,


    @micha : GO to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the following css code to add some white space between the slider and the four images underneath.

    #main {
        padding-top: 50px;

    Please read the theme instructions properly and know about the image sizes to be used in featured slider. Follow this link to know more about featured slider image sizes. If you use different sizes than recommended the slider will not work properly.



    Hi Tikaram,
    Thanks a lot for the hint with the slider image size. I had chosen a size too small, and now that I uploaded a bigger sized picture it all works fine.

    However, when I tried to add the code you quoted above, I did not see any effect on my website, i.e. there was not more space underneath the featured slider. Any other idea how to achieve this?

    Thanks a lot,


    @micha: Can you please send me the screen shot of your website as it appears on your device.



    Here you go:

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