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  • #18303

    Hi, I’ve got a new install of Simple Catch here at:

    Everything is looking lovely so far, but I’m having trouble getting my existing featured images to display properly as thumbnails and slider images.

    My thumbnails don’t get cropped to a square. They are just re-sized and have white space to the right or below depending on if they are portrait or landscape.

    Similarly, slider images get re-sized down to the height constraint of the slider rather than being cropped at full size to the slider dimensions.

    I have tried running the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin several times, and it appears to run successfully, but there is no change.

    Note that if I upload a new image and set it as the featured image, the problem does not persist (this is the case with “Test Post”).

    Any insight would be lovely. Another plugin to update my thumbnails, perhaps? Thank you!


    @positronic: I can see that all your features post has been re-sized to 210px height and 210px width as needed in all latest posts. That is nice.

    The only problem, I see is the Featured Post Slider. It is talking old image sizes. If you have already Regenerate Thumbnails using the Regenerate Thumbnail plugin then you need to clear the auto cache of Slider. For that you can just change any value in your Theme Options panel and then you can change it back.


    I needed to make a new image size* to use for the links on the Baking Portfolio page, and I ran Regenerate Thumbnails after that, so it seems that actually creating the new images finally righted the rest of the thumbnails as well.

    (For reference for future users, that’s the add_image_size() function, which goes in the functions.php file. I made a 222px by 222px thumbnail called “portfolio-thumbnail” that cropped instead of resizing, with this code:
    add_image_size( 'portfolio-thumbnail', 222, 222, true ); )

    @Sakin , your tip for the Slider worked great. It didn’t work for me to change any option on the Theme Options panel, but once I changed the post IDs for the Slider, it worked. Thank you so much!


    @positronic: Thanks for sharing.

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