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  • #264929

    when I add a featured image to a post, the image is not automatically shown on the post page. For example: -> on homepage the featured images are visible, but when you click on a news item, for example: the image is not visible.
    I know that I can show the image, above the h1 header, if I change the ‘single post image layout’ on bottom of the page, but I want it to be shown automatically, so where can I change that?

    I also would like to show the featured image on bottom of the page, instead of on top of the page, above the h1 header.
    Is that possible?

    And another question about the color of the breadcrumbs, can you provide me the CSS code for changing the color of the breadcrumb links? (it is not in color section).



    @wouwonline: Hello there,
    The featured image seems to be showing on both posts page and the single post page. Is this issue resolved?
    To show the image below the title you will need to create a child theme and do a little bit of customization. Let me know if you are familiar with child theme customization otherwise I suggest you to hire a customizer.

    To change the color of breadcrumb links
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    #breadcrumb-list a, #breadcrumb-list a span {
        color: #f23456 !important;

    You can change the color according to your choice.
    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,

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