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  • #129946

    Working with Catch Everest Pro. I have image sliders working on the home page (and throughout the site), but I’m wanting to have it that when a featured image is selected on pages and posts that the featured image takes the place of the slider on that page. I tried changing some settings, but it only seems to allow one image for use throughout the site. At one point, I was able to create a page template in a child theme where I replaced the slider area with a specific image, but that doesn’t seem to be working now. Not sure if it was because of updates. Any help on this?


    @jkilduff : You will need to create a child theme and customize your site as desired. If you edit the parent theme directly, all the changes you make within the parent theme will be lost.

    To enable featured image option on single page: Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Content Featured Image Options
    Select featured Image and save.
    Enable featured slider only on Homepage and on single pages the featured image will appear.
    Let me know if this resolves your issue.


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