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  • #13446


    Using the excerpt for the posts, my post images doesn’t appear in the excerpt, so I use the “featured image” option for each post to have the image back on the homepage. But is there any way to have the “featured image” of each post below the Title & “posted by…” so that it appears more integrated to the post ?

    Sincere apologies if this question has already been answered
    but could find it in previous forum discussions

    Many thanks



    @Africa-Rising: To show the post like as it is in Homepage, you can just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options”, from there choose “Full Content Display” in Content Layout. After this option it will show your full post with image where you don’t need to add Featured Image. Then to break the content, you can add more tag to split the content. See here on how to split the content

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