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  • #79035

    For a website I use the Evolution free theme.
    I know that if you buy the premium, you can adjust/remove the text in the footer.
    However, I do not wish to remove the credits for you, but I’d like to add text to the footer.
    Is that possible in the free theme?


    @Cattext: Yes, you are right. You can edit/remove footer information in Catch Evolution Pro from “Appearance => Theme Options => Footer Editor Options”.

    If you want to add text then you can build child theme and add text in your child theme footer.php file or you can create function in your child theme functions.php file and add it using catchevolution_site_generator hook. For child theme, refer to http://catchthemes.com/blog/create-child-theme-wordpress/


    Sorry for my late reply.
    I tried adding the text, but my knowledge of PHP isn’t good enough to get it right. (And I have never did anything with WordPress hooks.)
    This is what I did (part of the footer.php):

    <div id="site-generator">	
        	<div class="wrapper">
                 * catchevolution_site_generator hook
                 * @hooked catchevolution_footer_social - 10
                 * @hooked catchevolution_footer_content - 15
                do_action( 'catchevolution_site_generator' ); ?> 
    <br>Lorem Ipsum Test text>
           	</div><!-- .wrapper -->
        </div><!-- #site-generator -->
    </footer><!-- #colophon -->

    You can see whereI added my Lorem Ipsum test text.
    In one browser it looks fine; in another browser it doens’t.
    I’m sure I didn’t do it right, but I can’t figure out what to change to make it right.
    I’d like the text to be underneath the Copyright notice.
    Could you please help me out?


    @Cattext: yes that <p>Lorem Ipsum Test text</p> after site generator looks fine. I hope you haven’t clear your browser. Try refreshing it and check in.


    Hello Sakin,

    I got the same issue, see http://testwp.heilpraktiker-schirnig.de/

    But I also don´t get it why in the copyright is written wordpress.
    I have created another site by evolution, and there is written the name of the site. see http://heilpflanzengarten.net/

    Do you have a solution. I love this theme. but I don´t like to buy the pro version, not because of the money, but because of the annual update.

    greetings and I hope you can help me aganin….


    Hello team and Cattext,
    I found the solution in the forum

    so for me it´s working now…..

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