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  • #311481


    The last i wrote only the event section was affected, now the entire website is effected.

    Can you please check


    @cgarryjames : Can you please provide me more details regarding the issue. It looks like you have enabled the development mode. Let me know what is affecting your site so that I can provide you the fix.



    I had enabled EVENT section and installed elementor plug in to get a new format for event, i uploaded the event schedules manually, since the format did not come out as expected, i deleted the format, inspite of deleting the format, it was still visible, to clear the same i disabled event and also deleted the elementor plugin, but it was still visible and overlapping the gallery section.

    The gallery got affected with event leftover urls overlapping on the gallery and gallery looked distorted. Then i created a new page for gallery, dumping the existing one, but the situation remained same.

    For the time being i disabled gallery too until i get help from you.

    Yesterday i uploaded 2 blog post, the moment i published i saw the entire home page was covered with blog content and the event/elemantor content.

    In between i deactivated and deleted an existing Caching plugin and installed a new one, which is presently working now.



    The elemantor plugin i installed was Essential addons for elementor for event calendar and live updates, the caching plugin i deleted was light speed cache. These both were deactivated and deleted.


    @cgarryjames : The issue might be caused by caching plugin. Whenever you want to make changes to your site disable the caching plugin so that the changes made can be reflected. Let me know if you are still having issue on your site.



    I disabled the gallery, event section and have deleted elementor, so it looks fine. But as soon as i reinstall elementor the same issue crops up again. Most of the pages are built through elementor, especially gallery, so i will have to reinstall elementor.  Please suggest a solution.

    Secondly i need your help on promotion headline too, the headline promotion image 1920 x 1270, shrinks from top and bottom when uploaded, the full image is not displayed. To display full message, i have to insert more text which pushes the screen on both sides. I want only the title and sub title to be displayed with the image as background and a youtube link.

    Please help


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