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  • #293968


    I recently bought Adonis Pro theme but I am facing some layout issues.
    The header on Home page covers the full screen (full height), which is ok. For individual pages, I use featured image header. So far everything works but what I am not satisfied with is the height of this custom header. I looked in the theme editor but I was not able to find how to reduce the height of the block for those custom header.
    Adjusting “height: 100%” to “height: 50%” in “Custom-header:before” does reduce the image by 50% of its height BUT the block itself has still the same height : 50 % with the image and the other 50% with the background color.

    Does anyone could help me to solve this ?
    Ideally I would like to change this height only for featured image header and keep it the way it is for the Home page. I guess it is possible since they already don’t have the same height.

    (My website is not online yet…)

    Thanks a lot in advance.


    @oneill38: Hello there,
    I will need to look into your site to debug the issue. Can you provide me access to your site if I sent you an email? Will that be okay?

    Kind Regards,

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