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  • #7937

    First of all, thank you so much with your help. I love this theme and this is the first website I have ever made and I’m really excited about going live with it.
    My 2 last questions before I go live is

    1. How do I change the font color of the site description? I recently asked a question how to increase the site description font size, now I would like to change “Dedication to Innovation” to black.

    2. Can I change the menu titles to the same gold color I have in my heading? If so, what is the CSS for that?

    Can anyone help?
    THANK YOU!!!




    1. How do I change the font color of the site description? I recently asked a question how to increase the site description font size, now I would like to change “Dedication to Innovation” to black.
    — First you need to reset your header color through “Appearance => Header” as if you change the color from here, it will change the color of both site title and description. So, just set that to default and add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box where I have added color for both site title and site description.

    #site-title a { color: #f9cc00; }
    #site-description { color: #000; }

    2. Can I change the menu titles to the same gold color I have in my heading? If so, what is the CSS for that?
    — Just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box
    #header-menu ul.menu a { color: #f9cc00; }


    excellent!! When I rollover the heading it turns blue, can I change that to just be the default color of black instead??
    Thank you so much!


    @ktglasscock: Yes you can. Just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box
    #site-title a:hover { color: #000; }



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