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  • #307611

    It looks like the Theme cannot be customized (home page etc) since WordPress has updated version to 6.0.
    Is this Theme still supported? (I have been using it since 2019 but I cannot see it any more in the catalog).
    Are updades planned in order to make it work with current WordPress version?
    Thank you


    @karmatz : Corporate Fotografie is compatible with WordPress 6.0. Can you please elaborate more about the issues that you are facing with customization. We are continuously updating our themes. Please let me know more about the issue so that I can provide you the fix.



    (sorry I cannot understand if previous message has got through si I repeat)

    : thank you for you timely answer. Yesterday I got lost because after having updated my site to WordPress 6.0 I could not Customize the theme (Corporate Fotografie) any more.
    Now I am not sure that the two facts are linked, anyway this is the issue I encountered: when I select in the Dashboard left column: Appearance -> Customize, a “critical error” message appears and I cannot proceed. The message says that an email has been sent to the Administrator (me).
    The subject of the email is (translated from Italian) “Your site [name] has a technical problem”.
    The final part of the email looks like the most significant and says:
    WordPress Version: 6.0
    Active Theme: Corporate Fotografie (version 2.0) Current Plugin:   (version   ) Version PHP 7.2.34

    Details of the error
    An error of E_COMPILE_ERROR has been caused in the line 0 of the file /web/htdocs/ Message of error: Cannot declare class Fotografie_Upgrade_Pro_Customize_Section_Pro, because the name is already in use


    @karmatz : It looks like there is some issue with the theme. Thank you for informing. The update will be released as soon as the issue gets fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.




    I have updated the Theme to the new Version 2.0.1 and now it works properly. Thank you!

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