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  • #45596

    I am trying to get a role editor to work with this theme so my client can have access to the MailPoet Newsletter controls while logged in as Editor. I have now tried two different plugins, WPFront User Role Editor and User Role Editor, with both showing that the change has been made without any change being reflected within the Editor login. The plugin author for User Role Editor has been working on it, and we are running out of options which aren’t theme conflicts. He has it working on his test site, but I don’t know what theme he is using. His last question was whether anything in the functions.php or any Admin control plugins could be a factor. I have made no changes or installs that would do this. Can you shed any light on this?


    @catwingz: Sorry we have no idea about the role editor and we guarantee what we have not added any code related to role.

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