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  • #16233

    I am using Simple Catch with a child theme on two websites and have discovered that when readers leave comments, their name and e-mail information is not being saved via a WordPress cookie the way it should be, meaning they have to type it in each and every time they want to leave a comment.

    It definitely has something to do with the Simple Catch theme, because I switched to TwentyThirteen and the name/e-mail information was saving properly. I deactivated all plugins but the issue remains.

    Is there something in the Simple Catch theme that could be interfering with the WordPress cookie? Any thoughts? Thanks.


    @dellvice: Yes we are aware of that and we did that intentionally to match our design to show the placeholder. If you don’t like it then you can build child theme and remove the filter by adding the following code in your child theme functions.php fie.

    function unhook_simplecatch_functions() {
        remove_filter( 'comment_form_default_fields', 'simplecatch_comment_form_fields' );
    add_action( 'init', 'unhook_simplecatch_functions' );

    It looks like that worked. Thank you so much for the quick reply and for the great work with your themes.

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