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  • #27790

    I’m trying to build a vhild theme for Catch evolution but its not coming out right. It keeps saying that the style sheet is missing and then it says the template is missing. I already labeled the theme name like the child folder.I labeled my child folder
    catchevolution-child I even took away the -(dash) from catch evolution and nothing. Any help is appreciated.

    Theme Name: catchevolution-child
    Description: Child theme for catch evolution theme
    Author: Catch Themes Team
    Template: catch-evolution

    It wouldn’t let me post the last line. I know it’s @import url


    @HarveyLo: Yes you can create new child theme with the folder catchevolution-child in theme directory. Then you need to create style.css in your child theme folder. Click Here for the sample style.css


    Thanks! I was wondering if there was a way to make the mobile site appear like the desktop site? I don’t like the way the current mobile responsive site looks.

    Is there a way to do this on the child theme? Thanks again


    @HarveyLo: Ok for that, you need to create functions.php file in your child theme and add the following codes.

    // Removing the Default Action Hook
    function unhook_catchevolution_functions() {
    	remove_filter( 'wp_head', 'catchevolution_responsive', 1 );
    add_action( 'init', 'unhook_catchevolution_functions' );
    // Removing responisve script and style 
    function catchevolution_child_scripts_method() {
    	wp_dequeue_script( 'catchevolution-menu' );
    	wp_dequeue_style( 'catchevolution-responsive' );
    	wp_dequeue_script( 'catchevolution-fitvids' );	
    } // catchevolution_child_scripts_method
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'catchevolution_child_scripts_method', 20 );

    Thanks for the response Sakin. I had a question. I tried out the code and when I was looking at my site from my phone and iPad the ad widget on the header right sidebar stretched out really far. My Header doesn’t reach across completely. The ad widget goes into a white space. Is this because I disabled the responsive feature? Can you have a look.

    I like this template a lot, but when it’s in responsive mode I don’t like the main sidebar widgets being all the way at the bottom when I’m looking at it through my phone.


    @HarveyLo: You can add the following css in your child theme style.css

    #branding {
        display: block;
        overflow: hidden;
        width: 100%;

    And then check your header.php file as I see extra < in the start.


    Thanks for your response. I did the changes and the widget doesn’t extend anymore. I do still see a white space when i see the site on mobile/tablet devices. If there any way I could extend the color from the header and black navigation so there’s no white space at all? Thanks so much for your help.


    @HarveyLo: Remove the previous css and add the following.
    #branding, #header-menu { min-width: 1190px; }


    Thank You so much! That worked! thanks for all the help.

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