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  • #15821

    Sorry for the elementary question, but I am VERY new to all this… what is a child theme and how do I create/get one? Everything I’ve read just says “create a child theme” then….etc. But I can’t find the first basic steps on how to do that. I don’t even know what that is! Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


    @ghblog: Creating child theme is little hard then just a basic settings. First you need to create the folder. For example: simple-catch-child . Then you need to create the file style.css in your child theme folder. The main thing in your child theme css in to define the template. That will be the parent theme folder name. For Simple Catch Theme, it will be simple-catch.

    For more about Child Theme. See this


    Thank you Sakin. It’s just the first step that I’m confused about, I think. Where/how do I create a folder? Is it in wordpress? If so, what tab? Sorry again for the elementary questions. I sincerely appreciate all your help.

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