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  • #82388

    Hi, I have a couple more things I need help with –

    1) I want to change the text color in the sidebar, the footer, the primary menu and the featured content titles

    2) I want to change the font in the featured content titles – and possibly the primary menu too – is that possible?

    Many thanks again.


    Hi @adunning,

    The feature is already built-in in the Catch Everest Pro version except the primary menu font, so I would recommend you to upgrade to Catch Everest Pro. But if you prefer to have it in the Catch Everest Free version, go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box and add the following CSS.
    1. To change the text color in the sidebar, the footer, the primary menu and the featured content titles

    /* Primary Menu Color */
    #header-menu ul.menu a {
        color: #00ff00;
    /* Featured Content Title Color */
    #featured-post .entry-header .entry-title a {
    	color: #ff0000;
    /* Sidebar Link Color */
    .widget-area .widget a, .widget-area .widget a:hover{
    	color: #0000ff;
    /* Footer Color */
    #site-generator {
    	color: #0000ff;

    2. to change the font in the featured content titles and primary menu

    /* If you use fonts which are not CSS built-in fonts, 
    you have to import it, here I have import Roboto Font 
    from google to use it in Featured Content Title */
    @import url("http://roboto-webfont.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/roboto.all.css");
    /* Primary Menu Font */
    #header-menu ul.menu a {
        /* Please replace the font family with your desire */
        font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
    /* Featured Content Title Font */
    #featured-post .entry-header .entry-title a {
        /* Please replace the font family with your desire */
        font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

    Let me know if any issue.



    Super – thanks again Mahesh.

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