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  • #37749

    Hello all! Love this theme (Evolve)

    My issue is in regards to the header image. I created a custom banner that should meet the size requirements of 1200px:170px but my banner is still being cutoff at the bottom. I’ve tried figuring it out for quite a while and would love some help!


    @Derek_1993: Sorry you are not using Catch Evolution theme but you are using Evolve theme which is not developed by us. So, we cannot support this theme. But I have able to see the issue that you have issue with min-height assigned for custom header. So, what you can do it install and activate Catch Web Tools plugins Then you can go to “Catch Web Tools => Custom CSS” from your WordPress dashboard and then add the following css.
    .custom-header { min-height: 170px; }


    @Sakin: Thank you so much for your help despite the mix up. That was very nice of you.

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