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  • #79151

    Hi, I don’t find the option, where I can change the pictures for the Slider, the tiger is nice but I nee other pictures 😉
    In the Options I only finde “Slider-Demo” with pictures, but there is no option to change. Can you help me, please?


    @Stuli: In Adventurous Free theme, you can change that demo image slider with “Featured Post Slider” or “Featured Category Slider”. You can follow instructions at http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/adventurous/. Also you can check screencast at http://catchthemes.com/blog/videos-blog/video-series-adding-featured-post-slider/


    oh, thats great, thank you! I have made a post-slider,
    But now it is possible to klick on the Picture, because it is a posting. There is no way to Change it, that it is only a Picture-slide whitout an Option to klick on it. Do you have a solution for me?


    @Stuli: If you just want image slider without link then you need to select slider type as “Featured Image Slider” where you have option to upload image, title, content and link all option. But Image Slider type is only there in pro version. For more about pro version additional features, you can refer to theme instructions page at http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/adventurous-pro/

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