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  • #85559

    Hi – I am fairly new to WordPress but this I am stuck on. I don’t know where to edit the demo featured content and replace it with my own, and my own images. I’ve read through the forums but am at a loss! I don’t know where to replace the images and the text boxes. I have edited the “Featured Content” title to my own and that doesn’t change. And I have removed the subheadline and that didn’t change either.

    I cannot figure this out. When I changed “Demo Feature Content” it comes up with Featured Page Content and everything disappears.

    I’m obviously missing a major step somewhere. I do know how to put featured images on a page (I watched the demo) but how do I get the images and text to change? I have changed it to 4 columns, that’s the only thing that worked! I cannot find this anywhere!


    Hi @noote,

    Catch Responsive free theme has to slider options.
    1. Demo Slider (Content cannot be changed)
    2. Page Slider (Use featured image as slider image, Page title as Slider title and Page content as Slider content, links to related page).
    To use page slider, go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider” and select Page slider in Select Slider Type then select number of slides you want to use (need refresh). Then in select the page you want to use as slider form Featured Page # drop down.

    If you want to have other options in slider, I recommend you to upgrade to pro.
    1. Features from Catch Responsive free (Demo Slider and Page Slider)
    2. Post Slider (Use featured image as slider image, Post title as Slider title and Post content as Slider content, links to related Post).
    3. Image Slider (custom image, custom title, custom content and custom link).
    4. Category Slider



    I need help with this as well. I have the PRO version and still cannot seem to be able to create what looks like the Demo Featured Content (with three images and text). I cannot even get four! HELP!


    @jillturgeon: Thank you for using Catch Responsive Pro.
    Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Content” and select your desired Featured Content Type from Select Content Type drop-down. Then some relevant options will show up.
    For Post => Put desired post’s id in Featured Post #
    For Pages => Select pages from drop-down
    For Images => Upload custom images and put desired content in it.
    You can adjust number of posts in No of Featured Content options. Please save and refresh the page to see changes.
    You can also change layout from 2 or 3 or 4 columns in Select Featured Content Layout option.
    Please check the theme instruction in the link below for details:

    Hope this helps. Let me know further.


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