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  • #11645

    i cannot find the catch everest pro update 1.3 in my account


    @donald: For any account and sales related question, you can directly contact our sales team at

    Can you check your account now? I got message from sales that it has been fixed.


    it has been fixed now. thank you

    Axel Jon

    When I update from Catch Everest to Catch Everest Pro, do I lose all my data?

    Axel Jon

    I just took a sneak peak and I think I lost my translation .mo .pot files and the Menu got all wrong if I upgrade to Pro. The w-shop is a mess to. Have you any thoughts to handle this or do I just have to do this all over again with the Pro edition?


    I’m having the exact same problem.


    If you upgrade from Free to Pro version of Catch Everest theme. It should be all smooth.

    But if you have change any theme core files, such as style.css, functions.php, content.php and so on then it will not. That is why we always recommend to edit the theme only though the function available in Theme Options panel.

    Further, if you want to customize the css then you can use “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box or build child theme and add your css.

    For any customization of functions and theme core files, you need to build child theme and edit it.


    Order #25122 was placed on April 11, 2014 and is currently Completed.
    Catch Everest Pro (Theme Usage for Lifetime and Update for 1 year) × 1 $44.99 for 1 year
    Subtotal: $44.99 / year
    I am not able to download the newest upgrade, it says I have to renew for a year, but as you can see from the above, I just purchased this on April 11, 2014, so it should be available through April 2015.


    @Joan: Please contact our sales directly at as you should be able to download latest version from your account at

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