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  • #318130

    1. we downloaded free demo

    2. uploaded theme, activated

    3. created home page as new page (according to your videos)

    <span class=”Apple-converted-space”>    </span>BUT we can’t assign home pafe to a front page, simply there is no page

    <span class=”Apple-converted-space”>    </span>We see only blank, default and single page templates

    4. Therefore we can’t change static page to a homepage since there is no a<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>homepage

    5. website runs on desktop, but can’t see anything on mobile version (only see as a blog post)


    @localexhouston : When you install and activate the theme you will already have a HomePage on your site and you don’t need to create a new HomePage. If you would like to make any changes in the Homepage. Login to your admin section. Go to Site Editor and make the changes as desired. Let me know if this helps you out.



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