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  • #8046


    I had my Simple Catch Theme set to a static homepage (Home) and then also had the posts page point to Home. Originally, in the Homepage/Frontpage Category Setting, it had been set to Disabled, and I had all my most recent posts show up on the stage homepage regardless of any category.

    I tried to experiment recently, and selected some categories to see what would happen. And now I cannot set anything back to disabled. Every time I click the Disabled button, and then press save, it reverts back to the previous setting of the categories. The home page displays as an error now. When I select the categories, it doesn’t show up either…

    Any words of advice?


    @mirokitong: Sorry I cannot check in from here. I need your site access. So, I will send your private email and you can follow up with me there.


    I’m having the exact same issue. So, I’d be curious to see what solution you find.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Query::is_main_query() in [directory]/wp-content/themes/simple-catch/functions/simplecatch_functions.php on line 703


    Hi there,
    I’m having also a problem similar like this one on simple catch theme.
    When I post something it goes to the main page (as I set it up latest post on the front page) but it’s not getting post on the section that I have on the menu. How can I fix this? also tried to set it up as a static ffront page and then link every single post to homepage, and no luck.
    So I just posted one entry and it should go to the Organic section, but when I click on organic the post is not there. This happens when every single post that I’m creating, they don’t get linked to the desired sections.
    Can anyone help me?


    @Freenmunchies: You are having different issue not the same and also you have already posted the question in new forum where I have already answered it. Please don’t post same question in 2 places. See this


    @ProfessorD: I will send you email and then we can correspondence there. I need your site access.

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