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  • #6998

    Hi Sakim,

    I am using Catch Everest.  I would like to see if it is possible to have the header logo actually sit on top of (or float over ?) the menu bar and slider area.  If that is possible, could it additionally move the menu words out of the way of the image so they are not hidden behind?

    I tried also to remove the margin and padding above the header logo and was not able to remove the final spacing of about 10 px.. is there something I need to do in Catch Everest to remove the top white space?  I would like my logo to ‘touch’ the top edge.

    The site is


    @fritzhesse: I don’t understand your first question.

    To remove the top white space so that your logo touches the top edge. Just add the following CSS in “Custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel.
    .site { margin-top: 0; }


    Thanks – the margin change worked perfectly.

    Regarding the header logo – I replied directly to you via email with an example but am not sure if you received that.  Is it possible to have the main logo show partially in front of the menu bar and slider below.  I think it is done with absolute positioning and z-index in normal HTML.     I would then need to space out some of the nav menu items so they are not hidden.  This may not be possible.



    @fritzhesse: I haven’t received email. You can just upload the design image in your site and post the link here.


    Thanks.  See the attached page – use password “Sakin”



    @fritzhesse: Sorry this is beyond the scope of our Theme. You need to customize style.css and then responsive.css. For this you need to build child theme and then make changes. So, I recommend hiring css developer or use tweaky services.

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