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  • #7634

    Hi there, I have tried to bold some words in my content ( while it shows in the edit screen, once i view the post it no longer shows that the word is bold  – is there anyway to change this to ensure the bold words are shown?




    @travellingking1: It will be difficult for me to search for bold text in your site. Can you point to any particular page or post url so that I can solve the issue fast. Sorry for the trouble.


    Hi Sakin – this is supposed to have a few words in Bold but it doesnt follow through on the content – but its bold in the editing part?


    @travellingking1: I don’t see any bold text there. You can check in if you have any text in bold or not by viewing your post in text mode bold code should be wrapped with strong code which will be like this
    `This is bold text`

    See this for more about visual editor


    Hi Sakin,

    Yes that is how it looks when i am in the edit screen – the bold section does not show through onthe post which is where I am having the issue – i have checked the text “<strong> word </strong>, the bold is there. I am not able to show a print screen here otherwise i would.

    I am not sure how else to explain this – in the edit bold show us, in the public view the is no bold…???


    @travellingking1: Ok I need to check your site admin section. So, I will email you privately. Please check your email.

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