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  • #231314

    I’ve added images to my Services section that allows me to enter a Link, Title, and Content. But there is no way to change, add, or modify the alt text window. Now, when I hover over an image for Services, the alt text window shows my header h2 text.

    How do I change this?


    @triptych: Please post in your site URL so that I can check for the issues.



    Thanks, Tikaram. The website is


    @triptych: The issue will be fixed in the upcoming theme update. The update will be released soon. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.




    Thank you. But, my license key just expired a couple weeks ago. I just now started to build my site, so I didn’t notice the issue until now. I didn’t intend on spending another $55 to renew my license key. How can I resolve this issue without paying another $55 for the upcoming update?


    @triptych: Please follow this link which will make things more clear to you. Let me know if you have any more issues.



    Okay. I read the page on the link. If I’m not mistaken, I’ll be required to renew my subscription (pay another $55) in order to get this issue resolved. Did I read that correctly? If so, does that seem fair to you?


    @triptych: You will need to renew your subscription to get the theme updates for one whole year and not just to get one issue resolved. It is highly recommended to update the theme for security purpose as well as for WordPress changes. The amount you will be paying is not for getting the issues fixed only, you will have future updates as well. We have been providing free support in our support forum for both free and premium themes. If you think it’s unfair please talk to sales regarding the issue.



    Seriously?!? I had to ask if I read that correctly because I couldn’t believe that your response was truly that I have to pay for the theme all over again to resolve a MAJOR programming fault. This isn’t a minor bug fix that comes with new and improved features and benefits that one might want to upgrade with by renewing their license and getting the latest and greatest version release. NO, essentially, what you’ve sold is a MAJORLY FAULTY PROGRAM out of the box and expecting the customer to pay to have it function properly!

    As I’ve mentioned, I’ve had the theme for just over a year. You’re saying that for that price, we get support for the year that your license is paid. Okay, I get that. But life happens and I’m just now noticing the BROKEN program. Even so, you’re saying that had I even noticed this problem after I just purchased it a year ago, I’d have to wait until the new version release to get it fixed!?! That’s like selling a car with a square wheel and saying, “Well, we can get you the round one. But you have to buy next year’s model in order for it to function properly. Oh, and we’re not sure when we’re going to release it.”

    This is NOT a feature enhancement that we look forward to new features and benefits. There’s TWO MAJOR problems that this crappy programming causes.

    1. Anyone who builds a site using this theme cannot be ADA Compliant for visually impaired readers. This is a major problem. NOT a simple bug to wait a year for a new version release.

    2. Anyone who builds a site using this theme runs the risk of being penalized by search engines because their ALT text is garbage! Your site touts in the Features page, “…optimize for search engines and more!” Having HTML garbage in place of ALT text is actually damaging people’s business.

    Your response is that if I believe this is unfair, that I should contact sales. First of all, that’s terrible customer service for a major programming fault. If YOU work for the company, this is something that needs immediate attention and for as much money as you’re charging for the theme, YOU should make sure this issue gets to the right people instead of sending your customer on a wild goose chase.

    Secondly, I looked on your site to contact sales. Your contact form makes you acknowledge that your contact “is NOT for theme support.” So, in order to get theme support, one actually has to PAY AGAIN for a Support Membership Subscription! Either way, you’re requiring your customer to pay for a fix that’s a result of garbage programming! THAT’s bullsh**!

    This has been handled in the WORST possible fashion. You sold a BROKEN program and are expecting your customer to pay more to get it fixed. Absolutely dispicable.


    @triptych: our sales team will contact you.

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