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  • #17479

    @rgbarsanti: Can you upload the featured image of the size 976×320 and let me know it. Then I will check in what can be done.


    MY site URL is

    I’d like to just reduce the height. Right now I believe the dimensions are 976×320. I’d like to knock it down to 976×250 (it just feels too tall right now for my own personal preferences).

    I am using the free version. I tried uploading different sized Featured Images, but the actual Slider stayed the same, still 976×320, leaving a grey background area to fill the rest of the space.

    Coupon Guy

    That did not work, but when I add “float left” to #hgroup-wrap img, .featured-image img, .entry-content img, img.size-full, img.size-large, img.wp-post-image {

    it worked, but the top slider also floated left. I want to keep the top slider centered. We are close, any other ideas?


    @rgbarsanti: Can you post in your site URL and then let me know what is the size that you are trying to accomplish. If you are using Pro version of the theme then you have Featured Image Slider, where you can upload the image size of your own choice and it will be re-sized automatically.


    @Lulu: You can simply find it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. See this screenshot


    In reply to: featured content issue


    Here’s my current (child) functions.php

    // Removing the Default Slider
    function unhook_catcheverest_functions() {
    	remove_action( 'catcheverest_before_main', 'catcheverest_slider_display', 10 );
    add_action( 'init', 'unhook_catcheverest_functions' );
    // Adding New Slider Code
    function catcheverest_child_slider() {
    	//Add in your code in betwwen this bracket
    	echo do_shortcode( '[SlideDeck2 id=281 ress=1]' );
    add_action( 'catcheverest_before_main', 'catcheverest_child_slider', 10 );

    In reply to: featured content issue


    I see why the child theme makes much more sense now. I’m still having one issue though, I can’t seem to get new slider code to work with the div you specified as I don’t really know php. Right now the new slider takes up the entire main content area and is too big. Could you help with this? Thanks again Sakin.


    @Lorena Poling:
    GAPS: That’s not the coding issue but the image issue. You can try adding the same image design issue. See these image and where elderly2 is up and that is why it is not aligned.

    Slider box you can remove the background by adding in the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .featured-slider .slides { background-color: transparent; }

    To remove box in Homepage headline, you need to add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #homepage-message {
        background-color: transparent;
        border: none;

    You are talking about light blue color. But don’t have any light blue color in your site.

    To add search in top right, you need to go to “Appearance => Widgets” and then add search widget in Header Right Sidebar.

    Yes, too confused with your question. For this level of customization, you need to hire customizer.


    In reply to: Setting default page


    @mmglisci: Looks like you are totally confused with the WordPress system. In WordPress we have two option for Homepage(Front page displays) that you can set from “Settings => Readings”
    1. Your latest posts, where all your post will be displayed as blog.
    2. A Static “Front page”, where you can set static page in homepage.

    So, when I check in your site today I see that you have latest posts mode. So, there is no home page and there is not way to edit that page and it will not be in your page list.

    Also when you build custom menu, you can add and remove the menu item you like. See this article

    I am not sure what are you talking about the image below the menu. Do you mean the Featured Post Slider. Then for that also you need to create post and add featured image in that post. Then you need to ID of that post in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. See the theme instruction page for more details


    Worked great, now the slider is fine, thx lot.



    Here is the screenshot:
    or you can see the whole thing on the website is:
    I added the code that you gave me and the results are:

    The colored buttons are a little closer together, but if you see on the screenshot, the last one is not aligned with the others. Can we make the gap between the buttons smaller, and have the buttons aligned?


    a) SLIDER BOX: The frame disappeared but the box has is still filled with a light blue color. We are adding othe pictures that will be 1140px long so they should cover the color, but can we still get rid of the color fill just in case the pictures don’t have the exact dimentions needed?

    b) Need to disappear box under the feature Slider (it is between the Featured slider and the text that I entered in ”Homepage Headline Options”).
    * By the way, can I change the color and font on the Homepage Headline Options”?

    c) Need to remove box frame and change the fill light blue color to white where the text is in “Homepage Headline Options” (“TU Legacy will bring together people that care…etc “)

    d) WHOLE FRAME in HOME PAGE: There is a light blue frame that is all around the Home page but is cut at the very top on the right and left side.
    Why is that? Can we have a complete frame or get rid of it completely?

    e) IF we’d need the website to use the whole screen, is it possible and do you think it’s a good idea?

    f) How can I add a SEARCH box at the top right of the Home page (and probably every page?).

    Lots of questions, but I hope they are not too confusing for you.
    Thank you SO MUCH!


    @Stefing: I am not talking about the file. I am talking about the theme that you will have in “Appearance => Themes” from your WordPress Dashboard. I mean change the theme.


    @Lorena Poling: You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* Remove Slider Box */
    .featured-slider .slides { box-shadow: none; }
    /* Increase the width of Featured Column */
    @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
        #featured-post .post {
            margin-left: 0;
            width: 33.33%;

    I don’t understand your request of point 4. Maybe you can show me the screenshot explaining that.


    What did you ment by activate default ? – I found the file – catcheverest-theme-options-defaults.php, but cant see any 2013 ? Do I just have to update it ?


    In reply to: featured content issue


    @jp_grennier: First, you shouldn’t edit any core theme files such as functions.php, style.css and so on. As all your edit will be reverted back when you update your theme to latest version. So, if you want to edit any core theme file then you have to build child theme and work on it there.

    You have changed the structure so it will be difficult the restore the css. As the divs has been moved.

    To build child theme you can just create folder in your themes directory and name it like catch-everest-child or anything as per your wish. Then first you need to create style.css file and then add the code like this

    And then create functions.php file where you need to add code to remove the default slider and replace it with your new slider code. Here is the sample code that you need to add in your functions.php file

    // Removing the Default Slider
    function unhook_catcheverest_functions() {
    	remove_action( 'catcheverest_before_main', 'catcheverest_slider_display', 10 );
    add_action( 'init', 'unhook_catcheverest_functions' );
    // Adding New Slider Code
    function catcheverest_child_slider() {
    	//Add in your code in betwwen this bracket
    	echo '<div id="main-slider" class="container">New Slider Code</div>';
    add_action( 'catcheverest_before_main', 'catcheverest_child_slider', 10 );

    @Stefing: Yes you can active default theme file twenty thirteen and then delete Catch Everest and then reinstall it.


    @rawb_in: For Catch Everest Free theme footer widgets, you need to build child theme and just copy footer.php from Catch Everest theme to your child theme and the replace the code
    get_sidebar( 'footer' );
    with the following:
    if ( is_front_page() || is_home() ) : get_sidebar( 'footer' ); endif;


    Hello yesterday you gave me advice how to restore the core settings to all the core files edited by updating the theme – . Np but it is the latest version so will it be good if i use the way explained here – to activate another theme, uninstall Catch Everest, and then reinstall it manual ?


    @rbrek: Cheers 🙂


    Yes Sakin. I now have enough posts and the “older posts” link is showing up. I also realized I had to un-check the part about excluding the slider, not check it. Yes, I am a Newbie.:) I’m learning though. Everything is working well now. Thank you so much for all your help!

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