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  • #26328

    In reply to: Excerpt Line


    @Ena: You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to remove the Excerpt text from your slider. Now it will just show the title.

    #slider-wrap .featured-text .sep,
    #slider-wrap .featured-text .slider-excerpt { 
        display: none;

    @Nate: Did you add in Featured Images in those post.
    How to add Featured Image in Posts:
    1. Open the editor of the post/page where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click Choose a Featured Image.
    2. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library.
    3. Then you can click on “Set Featured Image”. See the screenshot

    If you are having trouble with Featured Post Slider, then you can use Featured Image Slider. Read the theme instruction at

    If you still have problem then do let me know it.


    I had the free version of simple catch, and the post sliders where working fine. Then one day they stopped, so I upgraded to the pro version and they still do not work. I have a featured image in the post from the bottom right corner,I have the post ID number in the post ID box under featured slider. The only thing that shows up is the dots on the bottom on the header if I do more then one post, but no image.

    I been trying for hours with no success, I know I’m missing something but what?



    Is it a must to change page name to something other than Home?
    When I create a home page, I would like the Featured Image slider to only show?

    If I can only have one homepage that is fixated with the featured slider, how can I remove the search field below it that says Nothing Found?

    Also, how can I edit the home page catch box has locked with with other content?


    In reply to: Homepage slider images


    @Vesa: I see that you haven’t added “Featured Image” in your slider post. So, just edit your posts and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click Choose a Featured Image. Then you can upload or choose image from the Media Library and then finally click on Set Featured Image
    Settings Featured Image Screenshot:


    In reply to: Using tag


    Sakin, thank you for your quick response!

    First of all, my layout option was Full Content Display, not Excerpt Blog Display… Sorry for my mistake.

    Anyway, I put “5” from “Appearance => Theme Options => Excerpt / More Tag Settings => Excerpt length(words)” It should display really short texts, but it’s still the same… Is this because I am using multibyte character?

    Then, I tried the second one. Yet, each featured post slider still shows all the texts (and adding “read more” in the end!).

    I put my URL here;

    You’ll see the first slider is more-tag, and the second is excerpt… Could you give me any advise?



    In reply to: Change slider images


    Hi, I am also trying to change the slider images on the front page of my new site:

    I don’t actually have this sequence available: Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider

    What I have off my dashboard is: Appearance => Theme Options => a list of items appears including “Header Featured Image Options” and “Content Featured Image Options”…

    When I go into either of those, I don’t see the options clearly that you suggest. I did manage to add a featured image to a post and it shows up on the ‘individual counselling’ post. But I can’t seem to change the images on the homepage.

    I’d like all the images on the front page to be replaced.

    Please advise…

    Thank you


    In reply to: Change slider images


    @joaobruch: Post in your site URL. I have given you clear instruction that you need to Create Post and then add Featured Image in your post. You can check this video on hoe to add featured image in your post

    Then you can setup the slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”. So, can you tell me where did you set stuck in?


    In reply to: Change slider images


    @Dennis Lynge Nielsen: I see that you are using Catch Kathmandu Free theme and the images that you are seeing is the demo Featured Slider.

    To change the Featured Slider image and text
    1. First you need to create post and add featured image in post. As the slider takes the Featured Image, title and excerpt content of the post.
    2. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” in your WordPress Dashboard
    3. Under Slider Options select Slider Type as “Featured Post Slider” if you want to add in the post ID. Or you can select type as “Category Slider” if you want to show the latest post from particular category.
    4. If you choose “Featured Post Slider” then under Featured Post Slider Options, simply insert the ID numbers for Posts in the boxes, one Post ID number in each box. Or if you choose “Category Slider” then under Featured Category Slider Options, select the category.
    5. Then click on “Save Changes”

    Settings Featured Image:
    Setting Post ID:

    But in Catch Kathmandu Pro, you have independent Featured Image Slider and Page Slider as extra slider type.

    For more details view theme instruction
    Catch Kathmandu Free Version:
    Catch Kathmandu Pro Version:


    Catch Kathmandu is also compatible with WPML? and Catch Kathmandu Pro?
    Have you solved the problems related to:
    1)picture galleries?
    2)Homepage Headline Text?
    3)Homepage Featured Content?
    4)Exclude post from Homepage Slider posts?
    These are all problems that I have found, that WPML can not translate!


    1. First build a child theme. You can create the folder like catch-box-pro-child and create style.css in this child theme. Here goes the sample style.css

    Theme Name: Catch Box Pro Child Theme
    Theme URI:
    Author: Catch Themes Team
    Author URI:
    Description: Catch Box Pro is an advance version of our popular theme Catch Box. It is based on HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive Web Design to view in various devices. Some of the additional features includes: featured image slider, option for full width slider, disable responsive layout, header option for margins, image and search, color options, additional color scheme, font family options, font size options, additional default layout options, additional optional sidebar for homepage, archive, pages, and posts, homepage category setting, more tag text options, and footer editor options. Multilingual Ready (WPML) and also currently translated in Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Danish, Germany, French, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Italian, Swedish, Russian, Arabic, Serbian, Dutch, Persian, Hungarian, Slovak and Japanese.
    Version: 1.0
    License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)
    License URI:
    Tags: dark, light, blue, white, black, gray, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-layout, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready
    Text Domain: catchbox
    Template: catch-box-pro
    /* =Import Catch Box Pro Parent CSS
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */
    @import url("../catch-box-pro/style.css");
    /* =Child Theme Custom CSS
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */

    2. Then create functions.php file and add your advertisement like below:

     * Catch Box Pro Child Theme functions and definitions
    // Add in Advertisement after header 
    function catchbox_child_advertisement() { ?>
    	<!--- You can add your ads code here  -->
        <div class="leaderboard-ads">
        	Hello Ads
    add_action( 'catchbox_after_header', 'catchbox_child_advertisement', 10 );

    @spfitzgerald: Hum… You are using Catch Kathmandu Free theme which only have option to use Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider, which highlight your post in your Slider. So, there is no option to remove the link. To add the image slider without the link, you need Featured Image Slider. This option is only there in Catch Kathmandu Pro theme. See details at


    In reply to: Modifying header image


    @Jeff: The slider that is showing default is demo slider and I have been telling you that in Free Version, you can replace by adding Post ID in Featured Post Slider. But if you want Image Slider then you need to upgrade to pro version. I have already given you instruction. But something is not working on your side.

    You can take a check out youtube video. You can skip directly to 21 minutes, where he shows how to add post with featured image and then add in the Post Slider. The only different in this video is, it has Featured Slider option under Appearance tab whereas in Catch Evolution Theme, you have at “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options”.


    In reply to: Modifying header image


    @Jeff: Free version only have post slider and I told you that the slider script will take the “Featured Images” updated in the post. So, you have to create Post and upload the Featured Image. See this in featured image and see this screenshot

    So, after you create post with featured image. You can just add that post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options”.

    But if you want Image Slider where you just upload the image then you need to upgrade to Pro version and use Featured Image Slider. See the details at


    In reply to: Modifying header image


    Thank you for the quick note…
    I’ve already found those possibilities.
    All I want to do is to keep the ‘Featured post Slider’ in my ‘Home’ page, exactly like in the demo… and not on any other page. Which makes it simple because it already exists!!
    The problem being : how do I edit the photos to be displayed on this Front Page slider??
    I haven’t found any actions (Click & Drag / Add a media…) to add new photos (and delete those in the example, the temple and the flower)


    In reply to: Modifying header image


    @Jeff: Did you check in the Topic “How to Add Featured Post Slider?” in Theme Instructions page at

    1. First you need to create Post and add in Featured Image in your Post.
    2. Then you can add that post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options”.
    See the screenshot on how to add in Post id


    In reply to: Getting started


    @katyaY: I see that you are using Catch Everest Free theme. So, please check in theme instructions page for more details

    1. Slider: Catch Everest Free theme only have option to use Featured Post Slider to highlight your post. So, first you need to create Post from “Add New => Posts” and in your post, you need to add in Featured Image as this image will be used as image for slider. Then you can go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options” and add in your post ID. See the detail instruction at

    2. Homepage Featured Content Options: The 3 boxed and images. You can add link, upload images, title and text from “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options”.

    3. Background: I see that you have added custom background from “Appearance => Background”

    If you want more features then you can opt for Catch Everest Pro theme. See the details about additional features and theme instructions of pro version at


    @MVS: You can add in “Code to display on Footer”.

    Sorry Featured Post slider is created to Highlight our post. So, there is no option to hide. If needed you can update to Catch Everest Pro and use Featured Image Slider, where you can upload independent image as per you need and no need to link. As like, title and content are optional.


    Ok thank you

    1.Do I put the js-code you wrote, in the “Code to display on Header” or the “Code to display on Footer” of the “Webmaster-Tools”

    I want to keep the pictures in the slider – but I don’t want the posts visible, in which I set a pic as featured content for the slider.
    Is this possible?


    In reply to: Slider not showing up


    @Yusra_Urooj: Can you post in your site URL? If you are using Catch Everest Free theme then you should be able to enable it from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options => Enable Slider”. Also make sure that you have added Post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”.

    Can you check these settings and if this doesn’t work for you then send me your site URL.

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