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  • #31706

    Can you only change the featured slider picture with the Pro upgrade? Or should I be able to do this with the regular Catch Everest template? I’ve tried following the instructions posted online without any luck, so wanted to check what I’m doing wrong. Thanks!


    @absolutespace: Yes, Catch Kathmandu Free theme only have option to use “Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider” which is create to highlight your post and it takes post title, excerpt content and featured image from post and link to post.

    But if you want independent image slider without the link then you need to use Featured Image Slider which is only available in Catch Kathmandu Pro theme. Read the theme instructions page to find out additional featured in and check in “Featured Slider” and “How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?”.


    @aruraza: I see that you are using Catch Evolution Free Theme and only have option to user Featured Post Slider to highlight your post. So, first you need to create post and add in featured image in your post. Then get the post ID and add the IDs in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”.

    For more, check our theme instructions page at and read “Image Sizes”, “How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?” and “How to Add Featured Post Slider?”

    You can also check out Catch Evolution Pro theme where you have option to use “Featured Image Slider or Featured Page Slider or Featured Category Slider or Featured Image Slider”. It also have lot of other additional features. Read the theme instructions page at


    @Paradigmva: Yes, it’s already been answered about Featured Post Slider at For Featured Post slider, you can also check out theme instructions page at and read the topic “How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?”, “Image Sizes” and “How to Add Featured Post Slider?”.

    If you still have issue, then explain in reference with your site URL.


    Gooday Sakin. My name is Melissa, I have just set up my WordPress website today using the Everest theme and am having quite a bit of a hard time. (Apologies if you have already answered this question) I have managed to edit the featured slider with the pics i want in there, the first pic shows and then the whole slider just dissapears to the top, I thought it might be the size of the pictures, which I have gone and resized, but am still having a problem, your advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Hi, I am using Catch Everest and I created Featured slider like you advised using Post ID. But when I click on one featured image slider it goes to an Uncategorized Post and it looks like something is missing there. I have a presentations site,Can I take out these useless info below? Can I put a link to a Page on interest on the Featured Slider instead? Are there any php. instructions I could use ?

    Posted on 20/05/2014 by adinanovac
    Posted in Uncategorized |


    In reply to: add gallery


    @ashrafashraf: try this
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { font-size: 16px; }


    In reply to: Slider malfunction?


    Hey Sakin,

    I am having some trouble with getting my slider picture to respond in Chrome. It works perfectly in Safari and Firefox but it doesn’t seem to want to adjust in Chrome?

    The pictures are all formatted correctly (1140×450) and they are all “Featured”

    Can you think of anything else?



    In reply to: Diaporama problem


    Hello Perriard,

    The image URL you have send me at very large and will not look good in your slider. It will be better if you have image width 1280px and height any size you like.

    It should work fine. Let me show you detail in screenshots. First go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and in Select slider type select “Featured Image Slider”

    Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Image Slider Options” and click on Upload in image. See this screenshot showing this action After you upload the image you will see Image Box Like this, where you have select the Image URl and then click in “Insert into Post”. Then save change.

    If this doesn’t work for you then you can directly paste your image URL in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Image Slider Options” and in Image paste the url and then try adding title as well. I suspect there issue with the title.

    Also I will send you personal email to work with you on your site.



    In reply to: Diaporama problem


    Hello Sakin,

    thanks for your response. Actually I did already do that. And first I ckicked on the buttom to get my image in my bibliotheque media. As it didn’t worked, then I copied the URL of each picture that I bought on shutterstock :

    but this also didn’t work. The photo of the india budha went away because I have choosen “slider diapo with featured image” instead of “featured page”; and I only have 2 or 3 blue points instead of my pictures.
    The only way to get back the beautiful pictures of the origin slide is to click “featured page” in the options of my diaporama. As soon as I select another choice the pictures disapear.
    Sorry to matter you with this, but I have tried during the whole week already. I thought this problem was due to the first version of Katmandu and thus I bought on monday the “pro” version, but I still have the same problem.


    In reply to: Homepage slider images


    Hello Steve,

    I see that you are using Catch Kathmandu Free version and in this version you only have option to user “Featured Post Slider” or “Featured Category Slider” to change change the slider image to post featured image.

    You can check our theme instructions page at and read the title “Featured Slider” and “How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?” and you will get it how to change the header slier image.



    @ABEX: Sorry there is no option to add Different Featured Slider in different page. You can add the same slider in all pages.

    You might want to look for plugin at and search for page slider plugin to add in.


    @MikeGilbert: It’s strange and the slider is working fine in our server. Can you check in your settings at “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”. I will also email you personally in case you need me to check in your server.


    Please I would like to remove the featured image from the top of this post. so that it only shows in the slider and not the post. please help


    1. You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #site-generator { background-color: #000; }

    2. You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to hide the slider text.
    #main-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

    Note: I see that you have replaces the images inside ‘catch-kathmandu’ core theme directory. You should not edit any core theme files as these changes will be reverted back to original when you update or upgrade your theme. To change the images in the Slider in Catch Kathmandu Free theme, you need to create post from “Add New => Posts” and add featured image in your post. Then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and add in the post ID. You will be able to see the post ID in your all “Posts” section.

    Fore more check our theme instructions page at and check in “How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?” and “Featured Slider” section.

    3. Which text you want to justify. In web justify text is not so common and we let it align left.


    @Roberto: Which slider you are using? If you are using Image Slider then you need to manually resize the image as per you need with width 1140px and height can be any as per your need. But if you use Page Slider or Post Slider or Category Slider, then it will take the featured image of size 1140px width and 450px height. But if you upload featured image size is less then this size then it will show you the your original image.

    Note: If you have just changed your Theme then you need to regenerate image thumbnail for Posts published prior to activating this Theme. You can simply install Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin. Then Regenerate Thumbnails through “Tools => Regen. Thumbnails” in your WordPress Dashboard.


    In reply to: Diaporama problem


    @Perriard: I don’t get it what you mean. Are you using Featured Image Slider in Catch Kathmandu Pro theme. Then you are not supposed to add the ID number of the image. But you are supposed to add the Image URL.


    Hi, I’m using the Catch Kathmandu Pro theme and have a question about the Featured Post/image/page slider.

    When changing Featured Image Slider options, I can change the images and add a content and url for the home page.

    Now I want as well to have on other pages the featured slider option, but than with a different image and content on it. How can I realize this?

    Thanks in advance for your help.



    In reply to: slider


    @ADINA NOVAC: Oh so you are trying to change the image in Features Slider. In Catch Everest Free theme, you only have option to user “Featured Post Slider” that is why you must be confused. For this first, you need to create Post from “Posts => Add New” and add in in Featured image in your post, see this screenshot on how to add featured image Then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and add in your post id like You can see all your post ID in “Posts” columns in your WordPress Dashboard.

    I will also email you and reply me in-case if you are still confused.


    @zhang0723: Thanks for your appreciation.

    1. To change the background color of Homepage Headline Text and subheadline Headline. You can change the color code as per your need and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #homepage-message {
        background-color: #21759B;
        border-color: #1B5F7D;

    2. How to disable the content showing up on my homepage photo? I use post as homepage photos. And I don’t want people see the content of those posts before clicking in.
    — Are you talking about Featured Post slider. Then you can hide the text in the Featured Post slider by adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #main-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

    3. You can change the color code as per your need and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #main-slider #slider-nav a { background-color: #21759b; }

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