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  • #46624

    In reply to: Edit Description


    Another update, I found this video on making posts with featured images, this works on all other pages except the home page. Again I have cleared all cache’s using YOST but I still get the default description and slider images when I post the home page in FB. However if I post another page on FB I will only get the featured image with my text.


    @msabeer3d: To hide the content in the slider you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box,

    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }

    But for the post from recent posts, you cannot remove that. If you want just the images in your slider then you need to use slider type as “Featured Image Slider” which allowed you to upload image only. See this . But this option is there only in Pro version.


    In reply to: Featured Slider height


    @maria: Please post in your site URL so that I can see what is the sizes that you have added in Featured Slider.

    As per the instruction in, it says that if you use Featured Post Slider or Page Slider or Category slider then it will take featured image size of Width: 1140px and Height: 450px. But if you have featured image less then this then it will load the original image that you have upload. But if you use Featured Image Slider, then you need to upload the image of your own choice. In this case make sure you change the size of the image before uploading it.


    @maria: To change the background color and text color in the featured slider, you can change the color code in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #main-slider .entry-title span, #main-slider .entry-title span:hover {
        background: none #000;
        color: #fff;

    @Serendipity30: Please post in your site URL so that I can check in. Also which slider are you using. Are you using Post Slider or Page Slider Or Category Slider or Image Slider. If you are using Post Slider or Page Slider Or Category Slider then your image will be as Width: 754px and Height: 400px.
    Note: but id you have uploaded the featured image which is less then Width: 754px and Height: 400px, then it will load the original image size that you uploaded.


    Hi Sakin,

    thank you for your answer.
    Do you know if I must clear all my English content first and then write it again, if start to use WPML?

    Because actually I have found way to translate subtitle, featured content and widget titles by adding [:en]My English Title[:fr]My French Title.
    So I don’t want to start again from the beginning.

    The problem is I can’t still translate footer, featured slider on the homepage and homepage headline. Is it something related to the theme?


    @onceuponageek: Yes that’s because of using different image size. As per our theme instructions, we recommend the featured slider image to be Width: 1280px and Height: 550px. Or at least all image sizes has to be same size.

    Sorry, this cannot be fixed without changing image size as this is responsive design where we have to adjust the height and width as per the screensize.


    So I managed to get rid of the search bar at the top. Any way to tighten that space up a hair, I’d like to see the site title image be equidistant top and bottom – to the top of the page and the featured sliders.

    Still can’t fix #2….



    In reply to: Featured slider?


    @PoulKristensen: You are using Catch Kathmandu Free theme, then you only have option to use “Featured Post Slider” for that you need to create new post and add in featured image in your post and then add your post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”

    You can check out Catch Kathmandu theme instructions page at for detail instruction. We also have Video screencast showing Post Slider


    @Ivan: In Catch Kathmandu Pro, if you want posts to automatically add in Slider then you have to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and then select slider type as “Category Slider” and save changes. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Category Slider Options” and select the category.

    Note: after you select the category, make sure that the post in that category have featured image. As this category slider take the post featured image, title and excerpt text. For adding featured image, see this

    For more, check our theme instructions page at


    In reply to: No Scroll Header


    @Kim: This is strange looks like regenerate is not working in your site. Did you activate any new plugin or update plugin recently. As I tested in my server and it’s working fine. I have just tested in new demo server as well. It’s working fine.

    Also when I check in your source of your image in the site, it’s
    <img width="644" height="312" alt="laser-hair-removal" class="attachment-featured-slider wp-post-image" src="">

    You can see the image tag is taking width and height properly but the in src it is taking full image. So, it’s issue with the image crop.

    I will also email you, if you want to talk in detail.


    In reply to: No Scroll Header


    Ok. But I’m not using the slider. I’m only using the featured images for the post excerpts…


    In reply to: No Scroll Header


    @Kim: I check in the theme update and it’s nothing to do with image size. I see in the code it is still set to
    add_image_size( 'featured-slider', 644, 320, true );

    Check that regenerate thumbnail plugin and clear your cache. I am sure it’s not related to theme update.


    @MFerg: The height depend on the featured image that you have added in your posts. Our recommended featured image size for the slider is Width: 1280px and Height: 550px. So, all the image uploaded in this size or greater then this will automatically crop into this size and will be used in slider.

    Now, if you want to reduce the height of the slider. Then you can upload the image with smaller height then 550px. In this case our slider code will not crop the image and will show the original image size you have uploaded. This will reduce your slider height.


    @Boaz: The default images, that you see in the demo images. If you don’t want images to associated with the post, then you need to use Featured Image Slider. But for this, you need to upgrade to Pro version.

    After you change the Number of Slides, have you added in the post IDS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”

    See the post slider tutorial at
    You can also see the tutorial for Image Slider which is available only in pro version at



    If you look at the featured slider on the following pages:

    A. : you will notice that the page title does not show in the extract section (section on the left bottom of the featured slider)

    B. : You will see the page title name appears on the extract section e.g. Accounting services and so on

    Hope this makes sense. Thanks


    In reply to: Homepage slider


    @lanretobi: It depends on the theme you are using. They might be same and different. In our new theme, Custom Header Image is the image that are in your header which is controlled main from “Appearance => Header” and also from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options” to give you more control on where and how you want to display.

    Featured Image is the main image of you post, it can be used in your Slider, Archive/Blog page, and also as the main image that represent your post. Depending on the theme it might also show in the single post above your title.



    I also have the same problem with the slider only showing one image from 4 different posts. I am using the post ID,each post has a different Featured Image but only one image is showing in the slider.

    The website I am working on is here:

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


    In reply to: Lines above posts


    1. The grey line above your first post on Homepage is from Slider. So, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and select “Disable” in Enable Sidebar. This will remove all the slider code and the grey line.

    2. For border bottom in all posts, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .hentry { border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; }


    In reply to: image background


    @ashrafashraf: If you search your question before. I am sure I gave you this option already. For this you first need to disable Slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and then build child theme and add your new slider code in function using action hook. If you want large slider then use hook catchbox_before_primary and for content width slider use hook catchbox_content

    You can search from, where I know I have already given you detail code to add new slider. Wohoo so many 59 topic started and 305 replies created. You are great.

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