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  • #59705

    Hi, My version of Catch Evolution does not have a “Featured Post Slider” bar to click on.
    Any other way to remove the slider?


    In reply to: Link Slider Image


    @Sun2015: Catch Everest Free version only have option to use Featured Post slider, which is created to highlight your post as the slider. So, it will automatically link to your post. To remove that you need to build child theme and edit the post slider function catcheverest_post_sliders().

    For easy, you can upgrade to Pro version and you will get option to select slider type as “Image Slider” where you can upload the image, title, content and link all options. So, just upload image and run the image slider. No need to add link. There are other additional featured too, for that check out theme instructions page at


    @James: That demo slider is just demo one. If you want to use Image Slider, then go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options”, change the “No of Slides” to 6 and choose “Select Slider Type” as “Featured Image Slider”. Then you can upload your slier image, link, title, content as per your need.


    In reply to: Slider image sizing


    Ah, thanks for that but I seem to have sorted it out by just trying various options.

    Anyway this is my website.

    Crusoe RC Sailboats

    If you would have a look at it, in particular the image slider, I am now using the Featured Image slider which may have well fixed my earlier concern.

    I’m interested to know how it handles over-sized and undersized images in the slider.
    The best i can do is crop to 514 high and then the nearest I can to 1200 wide.
    This irregular width shows up worse on some transition modes than other, the Flip Horizontal seems to hide it better than others.

    Anyway, please have a look and advise me how to better it if you may.

    Still learning..


    @Irina: Ok then remove the following previous css that I gave you
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }

    And the add the following css:

    #slider-wrap .featured-text span { display: none; }
    #slider-wrap .featured-text span.slider-title { display: block; }

    Ahh… sorry I missed that. Yes, now I can move it.

    As for the request…can you add another featured content so I can have 2 featured content – I will place the first one under the featured slider and the other one above the footer.

    Having 2 featured content is an awesome thing for my type of website.

    I hope you can look into this and materialize the request.

    I’m looking forward to your consideration 🙂


    In reply to: Home page settings


    @salen555: Yes, in Pro version you can use Featured Image Slider and then don’t add in link. So, there will be slider image without link.


    In reply to: Customize Demo Slider


    @Kavitha: Full Frame Free theme only supports “Featured Page Slider”, See this theme instructions at . So, you need to create page and add featured image on those pages. After that you can select page. But if you want to use Featured Post Slider then you need to upgrade to pro version.


    In reply to: Customize Demo Slider


    @fumitoshi: Yes, you can add your own image and text without any page or post in Pro version. You will can use “Featured Image Slider” and “Featured Image Content”. For more details, check out theme instructions page of pro version at


    In reply to: Customize Demo Slider



    I have just created my blog with full frame as theme and I really like its full frame feature. but I am not able to add featured slider with my posts. In my featured slide type, I can only see demo slider and featured page slider. But I am not able to see “featured post slider” to enable it and set my post ids as written in the instructions. i already have two posts with featured images in it.

    Can you pls help?


    In reply to: Customize Demo Slider


    if I buy the professional version of this theme will the slider and Featured Content optiosn change? I mean will I be able to set my text and images as in the demo mode without using featured page content?


    @Irina: Just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }


    In reply to: Link slider image


    @kat22: Sorry, Catch Everest Free theme only have option to use Featured Post Slider, which is created to highlight your post and will link only to your post.

    So, the best option at this stage will be to upgrade to Pro version where you have option to use Featured Image Slider, in which you have option to upload your image and link to any URL you like.

    But if you don’t like to upgrade then you can redirect post to that site.

    Note: there are lot of other additional features that you will get in Pro version. You can check out the list from



    1 & 2) Yes, you are not supposed to edit/add files inside catch-responsive theme directory. As it will be reverted back to original when you update or upgrade the theme. If you want to change any core functions, then you need to build child theme and edit it in your child theme functions.

    Change Featured Slider in Catch Responsive Free theme
    — Catch Responsive theme only have option to change that Featured Demo Slider to Featured Slider type”. So, go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options” and under “Featured Slider Type”, you need to select “Featured Page Slider”. Then select the pages which you want to show as slider. When you select page, make sure your page have Featured Image.

    For more check out theme instructions page at

    3) For menu, you can build custom menu from “Appearance => Menus”, and then add in page, post, category, links as per your need. Then you need to assign your custom menu to particular theme location from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Location”. For more check out

    4) You can create submission from using plugin such as Contact Form 7 or JetPack plugin “Contact Form” module.

    5) If you upgrade to pro version, then you will have option to add or remove widget in Header Right Sidebar from “Appearance => Widgets”. To know more about pro version, read theme instructions page at

    For free, you can add in following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:
    #header-right-search.widget_search { display: none; }

    6) This option is only there in Pro version.


    In reply to: Home page settings


    @salen555: I guess you are talking about Featured Post Slider. To link to page, you need to use Featured Page Slider, which is there only in Adventurous Pro theme. also to change the slider image, the best option is to use Featured Image Slider, which allows you to upload image on your own choice. It will load image whatever you have uploaded. See this for image slider settings,

    So, best option is to upgrade to Pro version. You can see the list of additional featured that you will get in pro version at

    For mobile device settings, can you post in your site URL and let me know what you want to change to. Maybe share screenshot of what you want.


    @Olivia: Can you go to your slider settings at “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options” and check “No of Slides”. Maybe you have set there as 16.


    Also another question- is there an option to change the SIZE of the featured image slider text or perhaps to change HOW TRANSPARENT it is? Website is and I am using Catch Responsive Pro Theme.


    @Camila: If you are using Full Frame Pro theme, then go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Type” and then select “Featured Image Slider” and then just upload image and link as per your need. Don’t type in title and content. So, it will only show image.

    But if you still want to use other slider type and hide it then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box to hide it:
    #feature-slider .entry-container { display: none; }


    I reinstalled all – template, wpml and wordpress – all works now except of one thing – featured slider resets each time I am playing with featured content.

    nother thing – how would I translate featured content? I made all other things to be translated automatically, bt this one even manually – no chance?


    @Phinric: Which theme are you using it? Please post in your site URL so that I can check in better. I assume that you are using Catch Everest Free theme as you have posted in here. Catch Everest theme uses Featured Post Slider, for that you can check this screencast at

    For more, you can check out theme instructions page at

    But if you want featured image slider, then you can upgrade to Pro version. Also you will get additional features which is listed in

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