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  • #62454

    @philmi: I see that you are using Catch Responsive Free theme which has some limitation over Pro version. You can check additional information about pro version at

    1. Yes, in free version you only have option to user “Featured Page slider” and “Featured Page Content”. For this, you just need to create pages from “Pages => Add New” and then you can select that page in your slider from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Feature Slider Options”.

    But for Slider and featured content, make sure you have added in featured image in those page. As featured image will show in your slider and featured content. For featured content, check this

    2. Where did you change the css. I hope you haven’t made modification to theme file like style.css. If you have done that then remove it as all the files inside ‘catch-responsive’ theme folder will be reverted back to original when you update the theme. So, best if to either use Custom CSS box at “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box or if you have large css edit then it’s preferred to build child theme and add your css in your child theme style.css file.

    So, to change the font size of just date/comments, we called it at entry meta. For this, just change the font size in the following css as per your need and then add it in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:
    .hentry .entry-meta { font-size: 14px; }


    @Florence: Sorry you cannot mix “Featured Image Slider” and “Featured Post Slider” as these two have different functions.

    If you want to hide the content in your “Featured Post Slider” then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #main-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

    Also you can use “Featured Image Slider” and for 3 languages text in slider, you can use plugin like WPML or Polylang. You can add image and title, then install any of these plugin. After that go that those plugin string translation and translate it.

    About the logo, we are using WordPress default custom header. So, if you those plugin have option to add in then you can.


    @matthewseanmclachlan: In Catch Flames Pro, you can go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and in slider type, you can select “featured Image Slider”. Then you can upload image of any size you like.


    @Susie: We have option to display Featured Content either in Homepage only or Entire Site. There is no option to make that Featured Content only appear on specific pages. You might have to look for plugin to add featured content in pages.

    But you can make that features slider to show on “Entire Site” from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Featured Content Options => Enable Featured Content on” and the add in css to hide in all pages and show only in that pages. If you want to do this, then enable it in all pages and send me the page url where you want to show it only.


    I am using catch responsive theme. I did update my theme today to catchresponsive version 1.8 today morning. After which the featured slider image wont load.

    please help ASAP

    Thanks and regards,



    1. Looks like you are using “Image Slider” as the Slider Type. In this case, you can just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Image Slider Options” and change the title for “Image Title”. This title will be used for image alt tags.

    But if you want to make it different from Title then you need to create child theme. For child theme, refer to and then copy function adventurous_image_sliders() from adventurous-slider.php file to your child theme functions.php file and edit the alt tag as per your need.

    2. It’s same for Featured Content. The image take the alt tag from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Content => Featured Content Options”. SO, you can change the title for “Image Title”

    But if you want to make it different from Title then you need to create child theme. For child theme, refer to and then copy function adventurous_homepage_featured_content() from adventurous-featured-content.php file to your child theme functions.php file and edit the alt tag as per your need.


    Dear Sakin,

    I am trying to add a bit of space between my main menu navigation and the featured image slider. What I have found on this site doesn’t seem to work on my site. I am using Catch Responsive Pro and my url is



    @Florence: To show textbox only in selected image and then to show simple image without link, you need to upgrade to Pro version. Where you will get option to user “Featured Image Slider” instead of “Featured Post Slider”. When you select Featured Image Slider, you can upload image as per your need. Adding link and text is optional.

    For font size, you can adjust the font size in the following css as per your need and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    /* Slider Content Font Size */
    #main-slider .entry-container { font-size: 16px; }
    /* Slider Content Title Font Size */
    #main-slider .entry-container .entry-title { font-size: 26px; }

    @zagy07: In Catch Flames free theme, you have option to use Featured Page Slider. For that you just need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and select “Featured Page Slider” in slider type. After that, you can select the page in “Featured Page Slider Options” box. After you select and save it. It will take featured image and expert text of those pages. So, you will have excerpt text overly in slider.

    If you are not talking about this then please explain in reference with your site URL.


    In reply to: Slider


    @Simon: In your site, you have different length of text and that is causing shifting in height. I see that you have split content using more tag <!--more--> in your page. So, you have to be careful about the amount of text that you want to display. If you keep excerpt text length in all slider page then it will fix the issue. Otherwise, you can try adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #slider-wrap .featured-text { min-height: 75px; }


    1. In Adventurous Free theme slider, it take the image size of Width: 1600px and Height: 600px. But if the image is smaller then this, then it will take your default image. So, when you add featured image, just upload the image with the size of 1600px width and 400px height. Please post in your site URL so that I can check in.

    2. I don’t know what type of colored blocks are you trying to implement it. So, can you add in your site which is using Catch Kathmandu theme.


    @Dolomie: Sorry that option is not there. For that, you need to build child theme and then copy fullframe_page_slider() from fullframe-featured-slider.php file to your child theme functions.php file. Then remove the link from the image.


    @Dolomie: Sorry your question is bit confusing. Do you mean that you want your slider to show in entire site. If so then you can go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options” and in “Enable Slider on”, you need to select “Entire Site”


    In reply to: Slider


    Hello Sakin,

    I have a similar problem.

    The text under the “Featured Page Slider” at my site has different lengths.
    The box around the slider becomes bigger and smaller per each picture.

    How can i fix it?

    My site:

    Thank you

    Simon (Germany)


    Hi Sakin,

    Ive played around with the CSS and I cannot figure out why on the iphone and ipad my featured content is coming up with the demo and not the featured content I want on there.

    For example the slider image should have football team badges, an interview and a football pitch however it shows a mac on a sofa and a coffee meeting.

    The featured content should show casino, transport, weather and music however it shows central park, home office and vespa scooter. Can you explain why this is showing and how I can fix it?

    Also the menu is showing at the bottom when its opened on the iphone and not on the left hand side. When I was using the ‘catch responsive’ theme I was told to input the below CSS

    @media screen and (max-width: 990px) {    
        .nav-primary { display: block; }
        .mobile-menu-anchor { display: none; }

    which did work however this doesn’t work on ‘catch base’.




    Also, I’d like to let you know that I really like this theme. The only thing that I wish it has on it was “Featured Content” under the Home Page Slider.

    Or this is something that we can ad?


    Yes, I believe so. There was a Slide Deck plugin that I deactivated or deleted because I thought the featured slider was native to the software so I didn’t need anything else. I can’t recall why i even installed it. I think at the time there was a feature in the slider I thought I need but discovered I really didnt.

    What do I have to do to get the featured slider working?

    Thanks Sakin.


    I am finding that this only works if I designate a specific image and when the theme uses the default no H1 is output. Approximately 70% of the site pages use a unique header image but the rest rely on the fallback so sorting this out would be a big help. I suspect I either need to move where I have the H1 call or add it somewhere else where the default is output. Also I want to add a couple more bits to this area so getting my head around where things over the image should be in the functions is key.

    Customize> Header Image: Entire Site, Page/Post Featured Image
    Featured Header Image Position: After Secondary Menu (I’m not using one)

    My Functions code in child theme:

    if ( ! function_exists( 'fullframe_archive_content_image' ) ) :
    	 * Template for Featured Image in Archive Content
    	 * To override this in a child theme
    	 * simply create your own fullframe_archive_content_image(), and that function will be used instead.
    	 * @since Full Frame 1.0
    	function fullframe_archive_content_image() {
    		$options 			= fullframe_get_theme_options();
    		$featured_image = $options['content_layout'];
    		if ( has_post_thumbnail() && 'full-content' != $featured_image ) { ?>
    <header class="entry-header">
    	<h1 class="entry-title">
    		<a>" rel="bookmark">
    <?php the_title(); ?>
    <!-- .entry-header -->		
    			<figure class="featured-image">
    	            <a rel="bookmark">">
    						if ( $featured_image == 'excerpt-image-left' || $featured_image == 'excerpt-image-right' ) {
    		                     the_post_thumbnail( 'fullframe-featured-content' );
    		                elseif ( $featured_image == 'excerpt-image-top' ) {
    		                     the_post_thumbnail( 'fullframe-featured' );
    		               	elseif ( $featured_image == 'excerpt-full-image' ) {
    		                     the_post_thumbnail( 'full' );
    endif; //fullframe_archive_content_image
    add_action( 'fullframe_before_entry_container', 'fullframe_archive_content_image', 10 );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'fullframe_featured_page_post_image' ) ) :
    	 * Template for Featured Header Image from Post and Page
    	 * To override this in a child theme
    	 * simply create your own fullframe_featured_imaage_pagepost(), and that function will be used instead.
    	 * @since Full Frame 1.0
    	function fullframe_featured_page_post_image() {
    		global $post, $wp_query;
    		// Get Page ID outside Loop
    		$page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
    		$page_for_posts = get_option('page_for_posts');
    		if ( is_home() && $page_for_posts == $page_id ) {
    			$header_page_id = $page_id;
    		else {
    			$header_page_id = $post->ID;
    		if( has_post_thumbnail( $header_page_id ) ) {
    		   	$options					= fullframe_get_theme_options();	
    			$featured_header_image_url	= $options['featured_header_image_url'];
    			$featured_header_image_base	= $options['featured_header_image_base'];
    			if ( '' != $featured_header_image_url ) {
    				//support for qtranslate custom link
    				if ( function_exists( 'qtrans_convertURL' ) ) {
    					$link = qtrans_convertURL( $featured_header_image_url );
    				else {
    					$link = esc_url( $featured_header_image_url );
    				//Checking Link Target
    				if ( '1' == $featured_header_image_base ) {
    					$target = '_blank';
    				else {
    					$target = '_self'; 	
    			else {
    				$link = '';
    				$target = '';
    			$featured_header_image_alt	= $options['featured_header_image_alt'];
    			// Header Image Title/Alt
    			if ( '' != $featured_header_image_alt ) {
    				$title = esc_attr( $featured_header_image_alt ); 	
    			else {
    				$title = '';
    			$featured_image_size	= $options['featured_image_size'];
    			if ( 'slider' ==  $featured_image_size ) {
    				$feat_image = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'fullframe-slider', array('id' => 'main-feat-img'));
    			else if ( 'full' ==  $featured_image_size ) {
    				$feat_image = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'full', array('id' => 'main-feat-img'));
    			else {
    				$feat_image = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'fullframe-large', array('id' => 'main-feat-img'));
    			$fullframe_featured_image = '<div id="header-featured-image" class =' . $featured_image_size . '>';
    				// Header Image Link 
    				if ( '' != $featured_header_image_url ) :
    					$fullframe_featured_image .= '<a title="'. esc_attr( $title ).'" href="'. esc_url( $link ) .'" target="'.$target.'">' . $feat_image . '</a>'; 	
    					// if empty featured_header_image on theme options, display default
    					$fullframe_featured_image .= $feat_image;
    			$fullframe_featured_image .= '<header class="entry-header"><h1 class="entry-title">' . get_the_title(). '</h1></header></div><!-- #header-featured-image -->';
    			echo $fullframe_featured_image;
    		else {
    	} // fullframe_featured_page_post_image
    add_action( 'fullframe_before', 'fullframe_featured_image_display' );

    Thanks again for getting me this far, hoping you can help me finish this too.

    Hair Bear

    Sakin, sorry I had to put the site in private. The menu size in now fixed, though, thank you!

    Is there a way of removing the home page’s actual box that you write in? The bit where you go to “pages” > “home” > “edit”. I don’t need that box to show on the front page anymore, but want everything else to remain: header, slider, menu, background image and Featured content etc. Thanks


    Gi’day Sakin, no dramas – got it sorted – child themes sorted – I just had to figure out the mechanics of how the various catchresponsive functions worked and how and when they were called……. it was the functions associated watch the catch_responsive_featured_slider() or more specifically the slide overlay text that I needed to sort out which I found to be constructed in the function catchresponsive_image_slider().

    Thanks for your assistance in pointing me in the right direction.


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