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  • #68196

    1. Menu is working fine. Also we are trying our new script for menu and it will be nice update.
    2. For image, have to regenerate the thumbnail after you activated this theme. If you haven’t regenerate then activate the pluign and then regenerate thumbnail. Also make sure that you have selected “Excerpt/Blog Display (Style 1 – Featured Image Size )” in “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options => Archive Content Layout”
    3. You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    .home.paged #main-slider { display: none; }
    4. We only have “infinite Scroll” click option. For that you need to install Jetpack plugin and active “Infinite Scroll” module.
    5. I see that you have added in “Recent Posts” widget and this will display recent post. So, you need to change the date. Why don’t you create custom menu from “Appearance => Menus” and then add add all the post you want and arrange it as per your need. No need to change date. Then save that menu and go to “Appearance => Widgets” add in “Custom Menu” widgets.


    @Alvin: Still not sure, as in our demo, the homepage don’t have page/post. It has promotion headline and featured content just below the slider where as in other pages, it have page content. So, I think you want to remove that content padding top. For that, try adding the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #content-sidebar { padding-top: 0; }


    @Gregory: If you want full image then replace your code

    <?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ):
    	if ( $options['sidebar_layout']= 'no-sidebar-full-width' ) {
    		the_post_thumbnail( 'featured-slider-larger' );
    	else {
    		the_post_thumbnail( 'featured-slider' ); 
    endif; ?>

    With the following:

    <?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ):
    	the_post_thumbnail( 'full' ); 
    endif; ?>

    In reply to: Featured Slider


    @Pier: Sorry not sure about the development process, I will refer this today. Sorry we missed this thread. Will try to add in next version update.

    For now, can you just use “Featured Category Slider”, so it takes latest posts automatically.


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    any hope to have both posts and pages IDs in ‘Featured Image Slider’? As I said a few months ago, it is very expensive for me to update manually each slider every time I change the title of the posts/pages I use together in slider and it happens sometime I update posts and pages, forgetting to update sliders:(((

    Hoping to hear from you soon with an update to resolve my problem.

    Thanks in advance, best regards.


    @Gregory: Yes, you are right. It only display in archive and slider. If you want to show that then you need to build child theme. For child theme refer to and then copy content-single.php file and add the following code after <div class="entry-content">

    <?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ):
    	if ( $options['sidebar_layout']= 'no-sidebar-full-width' ) {
    		the_post_thumbnail( 'featured-slider-larger' );
    	else {
    		the_post_thumbnail( 'featured-slider' ); 
    endif; ?>

    I’m talking about the featured image displaying on the individual post page. When you click on the article, it doesn’t show the featured image. It only displays on the homepage and in the slider.


    @Ralf_St: Looks like you are using “Featured Page Slider” in Catch Base Free theme. Which uses page title, excerpt and featured image. To hide that text, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:
    #feature-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

    Featured Image slider option is there only in Pro version. So, try adding above css to hide that text.


    @PierreSG: Catch Everest Free version is not compatible to multilanguage plugin like Polylang or WPML, only pro version is compatible to Polylang and WPML plugin. For free version, first build child theme (for child theme refer to ) and then add the following code in your child theme functions.php file.

    if ( ! function_exists( 'catcheverest_wpml_invalidcache' ) ) :
     * Template for Clearing WPML Invalid Cache
     * To override this in a child theme
     * simply create your own catcheverest_wpml_invalidcache(), and that function will be used instead.
     * @since Catch Everest Pro 2.0
    function catcheverest_wpml_invalidcache() {
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_post_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_homepage_featured_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_homepage_headline' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_footer_content_new' ); // Footer Content New
    } // catcheverest_wpml_invalidcache
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catcheverest_wpml_invalidcache' );

    In reply to: Footer Menu Align


    Thank you for this, it looks great!

    There is just one more thing, could you tell me how to change the padding between the main menu and featured slider on the home page? Also, is there a way of removing the blue dot in the centre/bottom of the featured slider when only using one image?

    Thank you, you’ve been great!


    Thank you. I hope it’s not too confusing to ask a separate question in this thread? How do I find the Post ID to change the featured content or slider to posts? I have featured images in all posts but I don’t know what the post ID is and can’t find it.


    @flp2001: In Page Slider, first you need to change featured image in your pages. Then you need to change setting in your customizer. Then you will see new image. If cannot be done from Media uploader. It need to be done from page featured image, Add Media.


    @Christine: Looks like you are trying to change Featured Demo Slider with your own Image. For that, check out theme instructions page at
    1. First, you need to select the slider type from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options”
    2. Then depending up the slider type you need to setup accordingly. If you select Featured Image Slider, then you need to upload image, title, content and link as per your need from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options”
    If you choose Featured Page slider, then you need to select the page. These pages will replace the demo slider. Same with post slider and category slider. But make sure you have added in featured image in those page/post.


    @freebird: Thanks for reporting. We found that this issue is there only in Featured Post Slider. We will fix this in next version update. For now, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:
    #feature-slider .cycle-slideshow .slides { width: 100%; }


    Every Slider and Featured Image

    Here’s a test link:


    Hey Sakin,

    thanks for your reply, but there’s still the problem with the page slider :(. I now selected only 2 pages for the slider: “Frauen” and “D-Jugend” and I defnitively defined a featured image. But now there are 4 pages in the slider (4 points) – the last two points/links are empty?! The first page in the slider is still not shown correctly. It is always mixed with the last post (headline and image) on my website and the first part of the text of the linked page. It’s really weird and only appears with pages with a post carousel included.
    And is it possible to set another propery that dictates, how many characters are shown up in the slider? Now it is the same number as defined for the preview of posts?!

    Maybe it’s possible to give you an adminitration account? Or doesn’t it make any sense?


    In reply to: Sharing on FB

    Thx for that Sakin! I’ll check the Read More and FB issues accordingly.

    One other thing – may be a feature – I’ve used the recommended sizes for featured images for the Post Slider at the top of the homepage – it now appears okay on smaller screens – but seems to have a maximum stretch in that on larger screens it doesn’t stretch across the full page and leaves an odd looking gap on either side.

    Also, I’m clicking ‘notify me of follow-up replies via email’ after my posts on the support forum threads and amn’t receiving emails (I’ve checked my junk mail and not there either).

    Very much appreciate the full responses ye’ve given me. 🙂


    @Tomáš: Heading line height is correspond to heading font size like h1, h2, h3, h4. But featured slider used different. You have change the slider title and content font size as per your need and add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    @media screen and (min-width: 961px) {
        #main-slider .entry-header .entry-title { font-size: 24px; }
        #main-slider .entry-content { font-size: 16px; }

    Thought I would see if I could catch you to look at

    The disappearing featured post sliders are gone again. Over the weekend they were working mostly, but down two times at different points in the day and for differing amounts of time.



    In reply to: Slider Images


    @epainton: Catch Everest Free theme only have options to use “Featured Post Slider” which will replace the demo slider. For that you need to create post and then add in featured image in that post. For featured image, check out Then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and add in your post ID. For post slider, check out

    Note: you have more options in pro version, where you can replace that demo slider image with Page Slider or Post Slider or Category Slider or Featured Image Slider. For image slider, check out

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