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  • #112960

    Hi Mahesh, an other issue of mine with Parallax Pro is that the mouse over color of the navigation “dots”(Buttons below) and of the navigation arrows within the Featured Slider can´t be changed within the Customizer. As well the Button colors within the Hero Content and Text in Portfolio… >>
    Can you help me on this? Thank you & best regards Marius


    @kataka-publishing: For this you’ll need to create a child theme for this. You can find more on creating child theme HERE.

    function helena_child_flush_post_transients(){
    	delete_transient( 'helena_header_highlight_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_featured_slider' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_hero_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_featured_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_portfolio' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_logo_slider' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_promotion_headline' );
    	delete_transient( 'all_the_cool_cats' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_categories' );
    add_action( 'save_post', 'helena_child_flush_post_transients' );

    This will be fixed in the next update.



    In reply to: Several glitches


    @banno2000: Thanks got it. For this you’ll need to create a child theme for this. You can find more on creating child theme HERE.

    function helena_child_flush_post_transients(){
    	delete_transient( 'helena_header_highlight_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_featured_slider' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_hero_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_featured_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_portfolio' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_logo_slider' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_promotion_headline' );
    	delete_transient( 'all_the_cool_cats' );
    	delete_transient( 'helena_categories' );
    add_action( 'save_post', 'helena_child_flush_post_transients' );

    This will be fixed in the next update.



    @pablo-juan: Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider and select Homepage/Frontpage in Enable Slider on option. Then select Featured Page Slider in Select Slider Type option. Then select the page you want to put in as slider from the drop downdown options.

    Since you are using Free version of the theme, only Page can be used as slider. If you want to use Post or custom image in slider, I recommend you to upgrade to Pro version.



    In reply to: Several glitches


    I can confirm joshua’s #2 problem. I’ve had the same ever since installing the theme.

    I’ve used different PCs and devices, emptied their caches again and again, and used cache-blocking brower extensions. I’ve also confirmed that I don’t have any caching plugins installed, purge Cloudflare’s cache frequently and set it to straight-through development mode. Nothing helps.

    Changes to the text of posts updates correctly. But changes to images frequently don’t. Currently one of my feature images is not being showed with the correct dimensions. The WP media library shows me that it is good for every size (e.g. helena-slider), but an older version of the photo appears on the home page and as the feature image at the top of the post.

    I removed it so that the post had no feature image. After publishing the update, clearing all caches etc. the image no longer appears at the top of the post, but still appears unchanged on the homepage (in the featured slider and the header highlight content).


    Hi Casper,

    Can you let me know what are the settings saved in Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Slider Options?

    I want to use the same setup in mine to replicate the issue.



    So I got the background issue fixed…but the featured post slider is functioning in the customize window, but not when the site is live. I will share pictures soon if I can’t get it worked out.


    In reply to: Slider for Homesite



    An example:

    I’ve 4 sites (Home, Picture, Story, Contact) in my wordpress webseite. Now I have generated an Slider (Featured Slider) for Picture, Sotry and Contact, so I have 3 sliderimages and it works. Now I want do add Homesite to the featured Slider, that I’ve at the end 4 sliderimages, but i can’t chose Home by Fetured Slider Options. Why?



    Hi @webtrader,

    Add following code in your child theme’s functions.php file.

     * Modify parent slider option to randomize the slider
    function helena_featured_slider() {
    	global $wp_query;
    	$enable_slider = apply_filters( 'helena_get_option', 'featured_slider_option' );
    	// Get Page ID outside Loop
    	$page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
    	// Front page displays in Reading Settings
    	$page_for_posts = get_option( 'page_for_posts' );
    	if ( 'entire-site' == $enable_slider  || ( ( is_front_page() || ( is_home() && $page_for_posts != $page_id ) ) && 'homepage' == $enable_slider  ) ) {
    		if ( ( !$output = get_transient( 'helena_featured_slider' ) ) ) {
    			echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->';
    			$output = '
    				<section id="feature-slider">
    					<div class="wrapper">
    						<div class="cycle-slideshow"
    						    data-cycle-fx="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'helena_get_option', 'featured_slider_transition_effect' ) ) . '"
    							data-cycle-speed="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'helena_get_option', 'featured_slider_transition_length' ) ) * 1000 . '"
    							data-cycle-timeout="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'helena_get_option', 'featured_slider_transition_delay' ) ) * 1000 . '"
    							data-cycle-loader="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'helena_get_option', 'featured_slider_image_loader' ) ) . '"
    							data-cycle-slides="> article"
    						    <!-- prev/next links -->
    						    <div class="cycle-prev"></div>
    						    <div class="cycle-next"></div>
    						    <!-- empty element for pager links -->
    	    					<div class="cycle-pager"></div>';
    	    					$select_slider 	= apply_filters( 'helena_get_option', 'featured_slider_type' );
    							// Select Slider
    							if ( 'demo-featured-slider' == $select_slider ) {
    								$output .= helena_demo_slider();
    							else if ( 'featured-post-slider' == $select_slider || 'featured-page-slider' == $select_slider || 'featured-category-slider' == $select_slider ) {
    								$output .= helena_post_page_category_slider();
    							elseif ( 'featured-image-slider' == $select_slider  ) {
    								$output .= helena_image_slider();
    			$output .= '
    						</div><!-- .cycle-slideshow -->
    					</div><!-- .wrapper -->
    				</section><!-- #feature-slider -->';
    			set_transient( 'helena_featured_slider', $output, 86940 );
    		echo $output;

    If this does not work, then I will need your site url. Let me know and I will email you to get the details for site url.



    @mtp525: The option to change the header image position is there in Catch Base Pro theme. In Pro version, you will get option “Featured Header Image Position” where you can select from “Before Header / Before Menu / After Menu / After Slider”. You can check out more about additional features in Pro version at

    If free version, if you want your logo to be at the top full width then you need to upload logo of at least 1200px width, then add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS”. But this is not recommended way to do it.
    #masthead, #masthead .wrapper, #site-branding { padding: 0; }


    Hi Pratik,

    I’ve created a demo site so you can see the issue I’m trying to resolve:

    If you look at the Featured Slider at the top of the homepage, you will see that the excerpt appears but not the button that says Continue Reading. In the Helena Pro demo, the Featured Slider shows the excerpt plus the linked button. How do I achieve this for posts that are on the Featured Slider?



    Good morning Mahesh,

    Sorry for confusing you.

    My first problem is (actually it´s mayby my misunderstanding) if I use featured-page-slider and name the page in the title-line for example “Slider1” than normally the “slider1″ is be shown in the code if I check the side – right?!?
    But unfortunatelly the title=”” is still empty and the alt=”” as well.


    Many thanks Mahesh,
    It worked.
    The client then asked me for a couple of things that maybe you can share without much hassle.
    1. If I wanted to reduce the size of the “featured slider” to 1000px wide and use the second side to insert another widget (already named in the funtions as ‘twitterfeed’, where would that best be done?
    2. If I wanted to add an additional instance of a logo and large widget as a strip above the “fullframe-featured-slider” what would the best way to do that be? do it in the header.php near your ‘do-action’ statements or in another location?
    3. If I wanted to have the 6 “featured content” items BELOW the content, is it best to simply remove it from the “fullframe_before_content” and place it in “fullframe_after_content”? or is there another way? And same thing, adding one additional Widget to that strip too.

    Thus the total row list would be:
    1. header strip at top (fixed-header)
    2. Logo / Banner widget
    3. Fullframe-slider/widget
    4. Content/Primary Widget
    5. Featured Content/Boxes – Widget
    6. Footer

    Make sense?
    I’m having a dig at the code anyway, so maybe I’ll figure it out.
    Thank you.
    (trying to get client to put in some $ for pro theme. Have to get their answers all done first. “can you, can we, can it” time)


    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Additional CSS box and add the following CSS:
    1. I want to remove the buttons in the left and right side of the slider which allow to switch between the slider images

    #nav-slider .nav-previous, 
    #nav-slider .nav-next {
        display: none;

    2. I want to change the border thickness and color of the border which surrounds the sliding images

    #slider-wrap a, 
    #slider-wrap .featured-img span, 
    .one-column #slider-wrap a, 
    .one-column #slider-wrap .featured-img span {
        padding: 50px;
    #slider {
        background-color: #ff00ff;

    Note: Please change the color and thickness as per required.



    Hi @F,

    Ah, sorry, I mixed up Featured Content and Featured Slider. The Slider takes Excerpt by default.



    Hi Pratik,

    I understand. I may have to wait until the site is live to figure out a few issues.

    However, when I go to Appearance > Customize > Featured Slider there is no option that says Excerpt or Show Content. All that is available is as follows: Enable Slider; Transition Effect; Transition Delay; Transition Length; Image Loader; Slider Type; No of Slides; and Select Categories. There is nothing there that addresses excerpts.



    Hi @F,

    It is pretty difficult to understand the issue without your site url.

    The button needs not to be added on the page/post. It should appear once you select Show Content option in Featured slider to excerpt.

    I have no idea by what you mean that slider does not appear but excerpt does.

    We can move the slider to top of homepage, however, for that I will need to check your site url once.

    Let me know when it will be available and I can help you further.



    Hi Mahesh,

    now I checked the slider pic´s with this google tool (don´t know how it´s namend in english – click right mouse and chose pic to see the details) – so the title=”” is empty and the alt=”” as well.

    If I hide .page .featured-slider .entry-title { display: none; } in the customer css or not it dosn´t matter for this title=”” , will mean it stays still emtpy if I delete the “hide blablanla” or not.

    Now if I like to modify the childtheme functions.php to
    $catchresponsive_first_image = catchresponsive_get_first_image( $post->ID, ‘medium’, array( ‘title’ => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), ‘alt’ => esc_attr( $alt_attribute ), ‘class’ => ‘pngfix’ ) );

    ‘alt’ => esc_attr( $alt_attribute ) -> this seems to be wrong. Could you please help me out with how I have to do it right?

    Thank you very much in advance 🙂


    @kiana: There has been a small bug in the theme due to which, CT: Social Icon is not working. This will be fixed in the next update.
    Please refer to the link below for the dimension of the featured slider in the theme instruction.
    Yes, you can add the logo of your desired size.

    Footer editor option is only available on Pro version. I recommend you to upgrade to Pro.



    Hi Mahesh,

    unfortunately the “alt” tags from the featured slider will be not recoverd if I do some SEO-tests (Result ALT text: no ALT text).

    Could it be, that the customer css .page .featured-slider .entry-title { display: none; } hides it from google and co. ?
    Because title = alt like we discussed above …?

    Is there a possibility to add in custom css a special “alt” only for this sides e.g.
    .page-id-98 alt=”picture about something blabla”;

    Page ID 98 is one of the featured-slider pages ( 1 of 3).

    Thank´s for response 🙂

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