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  • #3787

    and howcan the picture centered ?


    In reply to: Don't see the slider


    @Lola: which version of Simple Catch Theme you are using it will. You will see the Featured Post slider option in “Appearance -> Theme Options” panel. See this screenshot


    @Sesh1014: First your logo it too big that is why it is showing a large space in the header. If you have edited any core theme files then all the changes will be gone when you do the update. So, if you just want to change the css then you can add the css in “Custom CSS” box in your Theme options. But if you want to further customize the theme then you can build child theme and do the customization. If you follow any 2 steps then you will not lose your edits while doing updates.

    The Featured side is showing fine if your site. But for the features slider if you upload the larger image then it will look great. See the image size needed in Theme Instructions


    @regalaffair: You have added the css
    .news-2 .featured-slider {display: none;}. But you are supposed to add .blog #slider { display: none; }


    The previous update that fixed this problem is back with my most recent update of

    Can you all fix this.  I tried the adding the above to my css and it didn’t work.

    Thank you!


    thank you for this translation Sakin !



    Awesome! Then I would like to make the transition as smooth as possible. Could we get the new css translations before I make the formal install?

    For instance…


    I have this so that the post content spans most of the page and the sidebar is not available.
    .single-post #primary {
    margin: 0;
    .single-post #content {
    margin: 0 3%;
    width: 94%;

    and this to increase picture width within the posts:

    #main #content img {
    max-width: 900px;

    And currently those are the only two pieces I have. Do you know what the new css for those would look like?



    @Abbtt: All content and settings will be same and many added settings that you might feel comfortable working with. If you have worked with Custom CSS then that will not be valid for pro version much. You need to add different custom css. But I am here to help you out if you need any custom css.

    So, in general most of the things will be carry over but few will not as Simple Catch Pro theme structure is different. It is build in HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive Design.


    Thanks Sakin!

    If I decide to upgrade will I have to change a lot of things around? i.e. repost content, adjust some of the custom css that is already set up to help us achieve the aesthetics we are looking for, etc. Or will all those things carry over in the pro version?

    Let me know. Really interested.




    In reply to: Blog vs. News page



    About your Photo Gallery slideshow yes you need to try in Plugin . May be you can try in NextGEN Gallery or any other plugin.

    Also, can the Featured Slider be used just for photos? If so, how so, as its edit page takes one to the list of posts…And can it be moved from directly under the header? Thank you for your patience…!
    — You are using Catch Box free theme where you have option to add Featured Post Slider. You need to add in the post and then the featured image in the post. See this for instruction . But if you want only image then you need Featured Image slider which is there only in Catch Box Pro version.


    Hello Abbott,

    About your questions:
    1.) Can you use an image different from the one used as an article’s thumbnail (Featured Image that shows up with the article in the homepage archives) as the image in the Featured Slider simultaneously? Here’s what I’m working with now ( and I’d like to have more variety as far as imagery goes on the homepage.
    — Sorry this theme has Featured Post Slider which take the Featured Image posted in the posts. You might want to upgrade to Simple Catch Pro theme where you have option to use Featured Image Slider independent of posts. Where you can upload image of any choice, add title, description and links all optional.

    2.) Is there anyway to get rid of the grid overlay that seems to be apparent on all of the images in the Slider or is that always there?
    — For this you can disable it from “Theme Options -> Featured Post Slider -> Slider Effect Options” There check the box “Disable Slider Background Effect”.

    3.) I know the preferred width of the image is ~978px, but is there a preferred height that I should keep in mind to make sure the image aligns correctly? I have vertically oriented images up in the featured slider now the work well with the thumbnails, but not well with the featured slider.
    — It’s mentioned in theme instruction . For featured post slider it’s Width: 976px and Height: 313px



    In reply to: Blog vs. News page


    On one of my pages, dubbed “Photo Gallery”, I was hoping to put up multiple slideshows, as I create with my WordPress blogposts.

    Is that possible?  Do I need a plugin? Which one?

    Also, can the Featured Slider be used just for photos?  If so, how so, as its edit page takes one to the list of posts…And can it be moved from directly under the header?  Thank you for your patience…!


    @kpalmer29852: Free Simple Catch Version only have Featured Slider in Home. If you want easy option of just a click in Theme Options panel then you need to upgrade to Simple Catch Pro Theme.

    But if you know php then you can build child there of Simple Catch Theme and the just customize the function simplecatch_sliderbreadcrumb()


    In reply to: No text in Slider


    @jmyss: If you want to use the Featured Post Slider without the title and description then you can upgrade to Catch Box Pro theme where there is Featured Image Slider which gives you control to upload your own image, title, description and links all optional.

    For content layout: Catch Box theme has 2 content layout. 1) Show excerpt: which will show the featured image of the post and excerpt text and 2) Show full content: which will show the full content exactly like in the post. You can select the option through Appearance -> Theme Options -> Content layout.

    For more on Theme instruction check this out


    @tamerch: thanks for informing. Yes, I just check it and found that there is lot of empty translation. I will have to push like on 1.8.1 version update.

    You can download the language folder for catch box


    In reply to: Featured Post Slider


    @golfer300 : See the Theme Instruction . The best size for featured slider is 644px width by 320px height.

    For adding bold Home above the Featured slider. This is bit complicated. You need to first build a child theme and then copy header.php and just add this in line no 97:
    <span style="font-size: 20px; display: block; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 10px;">Home</span>


    Ok, I modified fr_FR.po and and it fixes the problem.

    (I can’t attach files to this post … i can send it by mail if needed)




    not sure if it has something to do with translation … (i’m not a specialist in wordpress).

    I guess wordpress would return the message untranslated if it is not found in the translation file ?!

    Anyway, a similar problem occurs in social link options (only facebook and twitter are shown ) !


    Ok here is an explanation of the problem on CATCH-BOX theme.

    I saw that, for any reason, the translation “Featured Slider”  in the fr_FR.po is empty !

    #: ../inc/theme-options.php:196
    #: ../inc/theme-options.php:197
    msgid "Featured Slider"
    msgstr ""

    line 608 -> 611

    Changing (in theme-options.php line 195 to 201)

    $slider_options = add_theme_page(
    __( 'Featured Slider', 'catchbox' ), // Name of page
    __( 'Featured Slider', 'catchbox' ), // Label in menu
    'edit_theme_options', // Capability required
    'slider_options', // Menu slug, used to uniquely identify the page
    'catchbox_options_slider_page' // Function that renders the options page


    $slider_options = add_theme_page(
    __( 'Featured Slider', 'catchbox' ), // Name of page
    'Slider', // Label in menu
    'edit_theme_options', // Capability required
    'slider_options', // Menu slug, used to uniquely identify the page
    'catchbox_options_slider_page' // Function that renders the options page

    May correct the problem (I do not recommand to do that but it may help).
    Also you can modify the translation files I guess …


    In reply to: Help Please!!


    @ctannehill: Featured Slider in under the Theme Options panel under Appearance Tab.

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