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  • #4097

    In reply to: Slider question

    Keymaster If you are using Featured Image Slider, then you have option to add in Title and Description that will be content for the slider. But if you are using Featured Post Slider it will take the title and excerpt of the post.


    In reply to: Slider question

    Thanks Sakin,


    I am using a featured image slider but can’t see how to put the text – don’t worry, will try a slide show plugin and will return to you if that doesn’t work!


    @jcdSF: This is just a matter of different usages of theme. Some theme usages featured image as the header image. Where as some uses that spot for the Slider. This theme uses the header spot for the slider which takes the featured image from the posts. So, please understand the nature of differences in different themes.

    If you go to theme directory in you will see it that not all theme have header image as the featured image.

    So please try to add your image in the page itself and it will display under your page title. But yes, if you are need to add this extra feature for your site then you might consider posting in WP Jobs or Tweaky


    So are you saying that the scenario I described in my original question is not possible with your theme? I can have a featured image slider in the head of every page, or just one page, but I can’t have a featured image slide show on my home page and a different featured image in the head of every other page?

    WordPress does appear to have the option to add a different featured image to the head of individual pages, and your theme clearly has the ability to add an image slide show to the head of a page, but I don’t seem to be able to do both (your featured image slider on my home page + different individual featured images in the head of the rest of my pages). Which is what made me think that your theme is overriding WP’s ability to insert a single featured image into the head of a page.


    In reply to: Slider question

    Keymaster Currently Simple Catch doesn’t support to add the text block before the slider. If you have knowledge about child theme then you can build child theme and then add the text using the action hook simplecatch_after_headercontent().

    To remove the Continue reading text in the slider. Add the following CSS
    .featured-slider a.readmore { display: none; }

    If you want more flexibility then you can use Featured Image Slider instead of Featured Post Slider in your site


    @jcdSF: There is no featured header image for the individual page/post. As this theme allows the user to enable the slider in the header. You can add slider in all pages if you need through your theme options.

    If you want to show image in the page then you need to insert the image in your editor and show it.


    Sorry, I should have clarified that I’m using Simple Catch Pro. So how do I add a different header image on every other page of my website (as shown in the link you provided) while keeping the image slider in the head of the home page? I added a featured image to the second page of my site, but it doesn’t show up on the page (see link to screen shot below):

    Also, I don’t know if it’s important, but my website consists entirely of pages, not posts.


    @Abbtt: I pro version there in option for this. In Default Layout you can simply choose “No Sidebar, Full Width” and then it’s all done.


    @Sakin: These are features – the removal of the sidebar and the image spanning all the way across (900px) – that I would like to be present on all posts. For example:  As you can also see, it is on our only other published post –

    I used the CSS above to achieve this on the free version of Simple Catch, would like to know what the coding would be on the Pro version.

    Please let me know as soon as you can. Really excited to get this upgrade!



    @jcdSF: Simple Catch doesn’t overwrite the featured image function. It uses the Featured Image function of WordPress. See this for featured image details: . Featured Post slider takes the featured image of the slider. IF you want to add different image independent of the post then you need to use Featured Image Slider for which you need to upgrade to Simple Catch Pro theme where you have Featured Image Slider option.


    @Abbtt: So for which page you want to do this? I am bit confused on what you want to do? Can you explain bit more with the exact link of the page. Then I will check the css.


    @Sakin — are you able to get back to me here? would really like to move forward ASAP.


    Many thanks,



    @thorsten: We are thinking of adding in future. Noted Down.


    when there will be a option to open the link in a new windows, it will be perfekt 🙂   So, someone click on the picture in the slider, he leaves my blog……


    you are right, now everything is working fine !  Thank you.


    @thorsten: Thanks for reporting. Found issue in the slider and have just added new version for Catch Box Pro 1.2.3. Please login to your account in Catch Theme and download the latest version.


    no, you are wrong, the transition effekt in the theme options stand on shuffle, and the image is always scrolling to the left.

    now i chanfe the transistion effekt to fade (1/1 seconds) and nothing changed.


    @thorsten: Sorry I forgot to answer about removing word “weiterlesen” from slider. You can just add the following css in custom css box:
    #slider-wrap a.more-link { display: none; }

    For slider effect. It is working on your site. By default the slider effect is fade but you have successfully changed to scrollLeft.


    perfekt 🙂  thank you !

    looks much better now

    whats about the problem with the transition effekt not working ?


    @thorsten: You image is small that is why it is loading to left. If you upload the featured image of Width: 644px and Height: 320px. Then it will look great. But if you want to add the small image and make it center then add the following CSS in “Custom CSS” box in your Theme Options panel under Appearance of WordPress Dashboard:
    #slider-wrap img { margin: 0 auto; }

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