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  • #6035

    Oops – found the answer elsewhere with a custom CSS rule.



    @Sakin: I’m having the same issue. How did you resolve this? I didn’t understand your post about the condition issue. My post page having the issue:

    Thank you!


    @Haleydanielsc1: Great it is working for you .


    @@chandrathompson: Thanks and I have been able to fix it. There was condition issue between is_home and is_front_page


    Just one point of distinction.  I’m not talking about the slider, which I have enabled and use on the homepage.


    Hi Sakin, thanks again. I know it takes the content of the post, but my question is if you can add new content into the picture when shown on the header page. I guess I’ll have to find a different slider with more options. Thanks for trying to help me out!


    @xray is this working now? today i tried to add pages to the slider. although i set the featured image and everything, but nothing was displayed. tried it for 3 pages got the same result in all. it would be great if pages can be shown in slider 🙂


    @hserna20: Sorry I cannot see your site as it says under construction. I think you are missing to add in the Featured Image in your Post. Just add the featured image in the post see this

    Then only add in the Post ID in the Featured Post Slider options.


    @runningmedics and @Haleydanielsc1: Ok I am going to explain in detail. This Catch Box Free theme only have Featured Post Slider. This means you can only add in your posts as Featured Slider. You cannot use the Page.

    1. First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    2. Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post. you will see the id in your browser address bar. But if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    3. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. Add in the post id.

    But if you don’t want to use the post slider. Then I have good news for you as Catch Box Pro is in final testing phase and will be releasing any day in this week. Which has easy to user Featured Image Slider. Also you can use Featured Page Slider or Featured Category Slider.


    @smemflynn: there is good news for this options. As Catch Everest Pro is releasing any day this week. Our team in doing final testing.

    In pro version, there is two option that you might find cool.
    1. Featured Slider: You can choose from Featured Image Slider, Featured Post Slider, Featured Page Slider and Featured Category Slider.
    2. Featured Image: There is option in Theme Options and in individual post to hide the featured image, or show the image like in Slider, small or full original size.

    Yes for now hiding from the theme option is good option.


    In reply to: Slider images


    @crisfilip: Yes you need to select with slider you want to use. As there is option to choose between “Featured Image Slider” and “Featured Post Slider”.


    In reply to: Header Image


    Hello there,

    *Love* your catch theme. I look forward to the premium version and the ability to link the featured image slider to pages as well as posts.

    I’m experiencing the same problem with ie8 and the image header not displaying.  I’ve tried the header in jpg, tif, and png formats and none of them display (only white space). The image displays correctly in chrome and firefox. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

    Here is the link to my website in development:




    I am having the same problem.

    Thank you


    Just to clarify, I know you need to assign a featured image in order for the featured slider to show the post, but in the post itself, the featured image is totally cropped so doesn’t look well.

    Could someone instruct me as to how to comment out the featured image as part of the post layout?  Or else change the size of it so the full image is used.

    Thanks a million!


    In reply to: Slider images


    OK! I understand! Just to click on ” Featured Image Slider” and appears others slider options…


    Hi Sakin,

    I am also new on WP, I used HTML before. I liked your amaizing theme Catch Everest Ver. 0.1.3.

    I tried to change the featured post sliders by my (3) ones I have but, just shows the three dots on it and rotating following the time for it. But no images at all. Even I used the post ID’s.

    Please need your help.



    @neh: You got mail. please respond.


    First.. I love the Catch Box Pro theme.

    This thread was helpful.. in that I didn’t understand what the featured image slider option allowed.. I was going to ask about providing a way to have the featured slider work for both pages and post.

    In the meantime, I looked into the Quick Page/Post redirect plug-in.

    Then I saw I can accomplish this using the featured image slider – I can link to a page or post. The only problem is that the post you link to cannot be excluded from the home page.

    To get around this, I can use the category inclusion option. I create a category called “blog” or “home” and only posts that have this category show up on the home page. Then, I categorize every post with this category unless I am showing it in the featured slider.

    Text over image: 
    In another forum post, someone was asking about text overlayed on the image. I think you may have misunderstood his question (or I misunderstood it). He wanted a way to have the text overlayed on the featured slider image. Not below it the way it does not.

    I would like the same thing.. basically a way to position the title and excerpt over the featured image in the slider. It should have a semi-transparent background for readability. Just a thought. For now, I will make that part of the image.

    Thanks again.


    Hi Sakin,

    I have a child theme but I did not change anything yet. Seems the slider photos dissapear from time to time, but when I notice the are gone I go to the menu options and click save menu and they show up again…

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