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  • #7666

    By any chance do you have the zip file for Catch Everest before the recent update? It was working fine with the past Catch Everest.  Please let me know. Thanks!


    Hi Sakin,

    Thanks for the help. I deleted the theme and uploaded the zip file, but it’s still not showing on the homepage. Also, do you know how to make the footer widgets on only the homepage?




    In reply to: slider options?


    @karinschultz: By choosing “featured image slider” you can add upload image of your own choice, also control title, content and links all these optional. So, if you choose Featured Image Slider you can link to any page, post, category or even link outside your site. So even you can just add image without link. This give you total freedom.


    @rawb_in: Yes, I am aware of this issue and we have also send patch update to but they haven’t made it live yet. So, you cannot update at this time automatically. But there is trick to do it manual update.

    Just activate any default theme like Twenty Twelve Theme.
    Then delete the theme Catch Everest.
    Then you can download the theme from
    Then you can manually install theme through “Appearance => Themes => Install Themes”. Click on Upload and then upload the zip file you have downloaded and activate it.
    After this you can change the settings.

    Note: You don’t have to worry what will happen to data after deleting the theme. It will not be deleted. It will be restored once you active the uploaded theme.


    @jsvoboda: The text in the featured post slider is the Title of the Post and the Excerpt of the post, which is auto from the content. But in WordPress you have excerpt box in the post from which you can further control the content. More about excerpt box


    @nenepretty85: Great it’s solve. Thanks and you too have a nice day.



    Thanks. The problem is solved.


    I found out! It was an option I changed into the permalinks! Sorry if I made you loose your time 😉

    Have a nice day!



    Still curious, is there any way to determine where the text is placed on the featured slider post?




    p.s. this happened after I updated the theme.


    @Eugene: Thanks for your appreciation.

    Catch Everest Free theme only have option to add Featured Post Slider, so it has to be post not page. But if you upgrade to pro version there you have option to choose from Featured Post Slider, Page Slider, Category Slider and Image Slider. See this for more details

    But yes, you have option to hide the featured post slider post from homepage post through “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”. Then check Exclude Slider post from Homepage posts and save it.



    First of all I would like to thank for such a nice theme. Great job! 🙂

    As I got in this topic to replace the Everest picture I need to set up a Post and to add ID picture in a featured post slider options. It works great but all my posts are now publishing on the title page. I’ve tried to add page’s (not post’s) ID instead but it didn’t work out.

    Is there a way to do it via page’s ID or to add the post and to ‘hide’ it somehow (not to appear it on the front page).

    Here is the link:

    Thank you in advance!


    In reply to: Please help…newbie!


    @K8e: Thanks, now I can see your site.

    1. One of my featured slider pics won’t stay the size I specified. The first picture is perfect. The second one isn’t. Please help?
    — Your first image size is good but your send image size is small. Replace the the larger image and it will be fine.

    2. Can I add a slideshow of pictures in my gallery page? Otherwise if I can’t, how can I put several pictures on the page without it looking organized. Would like it in Rows if can’t add a slideshow.
    — To add slideshow of picture in your gallery pages. You have to install plugin. Try searching for gallery and image plugins at

    3. How can I get the text codes near the footer to go away?
    — Which text codes are you talking about?


    @danskvand: Yes after you update. Please change any value in Theme Options panel and click on save. Anything so that it clear the cache in Function set from Theme Options panel. Then refresh your browser and it will be fine.



    I just did, but the problem is still there. The current version running is 0.1.5.


    In reply to: featured post slider


    @gaetano_torrisi: Maybe that is loading issue. Can you let me know when you don’t see the post slider.


    Still curious, is there any way to determine where the text is placed on the featured slider post?




    @michelle2317: You site is not opening . I think you are missing some steps. See I am trying to make it simple.

    All our Free themes only have Featured Post Slider. But if you upgrade to Pro or Premium themes then you will have Featured Image slider and so on. Featured Post Slider is created to highlight your posts in the slider. To add the feature post slider, just follow the steps as below:

    1. First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this
    2. Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post, you will see the id in your browser address bar. Also you will be able to see post id in All Posts section. But if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it
    3. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider” and add in the post id that you want to highlight


    @gaetano_torrisi: Catch Everest Free Theme only have Feature Post Slider, which is created to highlight you post. So, you cannot remove the link.

    But you can upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme and then user Featured Image Slider, where you can just upload the image and don’t add the link. See this for more details about Catch Everest Pro theme


    @sanmacal: If you are using Catch Everest pro then you can change it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Feature Slider”. Where you can select the slider you want from the option of Featured Post Slider, Featured Page Slider, Featured Category Slider, and Featured Image Slider.

    If you just was a simple and easy solution then you can use Featured Image Slider and just upload the image, title, content and link as per your need.

    See the theme instruction for more details.

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