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  • #8388

    @pensfanatics: I don’t get it what you mean.

    You can use Featured Post Slider to add in the post to the slider, or you can use Featured Category Slider to add latest post from specific category to the slider, or you can use Featured Page Slider to add in the page to the slider, or you can use Featured Image Slider to add Image as the latest post.


    @mps232: Yes then the only option that you have now is to upgrade to Simple Catch Pro theme

    In Simple Catch Pro theme you will get option to user Featured Image Slider, which is independent of post, just upload the image, title, content and links as per you need. So, add image in the slider through Featured Image Slider and remove the featured image in all posts.


    In reply to: featured post slider


    @gaetano_torrisi: I just check in your site and it looks like there was cache issue. I just enable and disable the Featured Post slider to clear the cache and it is working fine now.


    In reply to: featured post slider


    @gaetano_torrisi: ok check your email. I need to check your server and find out the issues.


    In reply to: featured post slider

    Actually the post slider doesn’t work


    Hi, i am also having issues the the text box on the slider:
    – How do i change the font of ONLY these boxes?
    – How do i change the size of the box?
    – How do i change the size of the font?
    -How do i change the paragraph spacing of the text? It is far too gappy…

    Thanks in advance 🙂


    Huge compliments on the Catch Everest Pro theme! It looks awesome, clean and professional. Only two relatively minor issues . . .

    First, I am having issues with the “Title” portion of the Featured Image Slider. I am using the Featured Image Slider, and the content of the “Title” section on the published slider image does not have the white/grey/translucent box around it. It makes it difficult to see on all slides, and impossible to see on dark slides. The “Content” portion of the published image does have the box around it, and it looks great.

    Second, and less important to me, is it possible to reposition and/or resize the “Title” and “Content” boxes on the published image? I am running into issues where the text is detracting from the image by covering important portions. I would like to avoid that if possible.

    I could remedy both issues by simply deleting the text in the Feature Slider Options and incorporating it into the image itself. I would however prefer to have the text in code, presumably so search engines can read it, and for uniformity and simplicity’s sake.

    Thanks for responding at your convenience. Also, I have not launched the website yet. If you need to see it, please send your IP by email and I will add you to the “whitelist.” This is my first attempt at WP and I am running version 3.5.1. Thanks again!


    I would use the image slider, but that’s too much of a PITA to change so often. The slider has to call from some kind of PHP or CSS that can be edited, no?


    If I do that @Sakin – the slider would not work then, correct? I am trying to keep the slider operational, but my understanding is I must post a featured image to be able to put it in the slider. Any chance you could point me in the editor where to comment out it from showing while still having the slider work?


    @cara: The exact dimensions for images that we have on the slider in demo page is Width: 1140px and Height: 450px


    @Nathan_Thomas1: thanks for your appreciation. The image that you are talking about is from the Featured Post Slider in your Theme Options panel.

    To add Featured Post Slider, follow the steps mentioned below:

    1. First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    2. Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post. you will see the id in your browser address bar. You will also see the Post ID when you view ALL Posts section in WordPress dashboard. But if you still cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    3. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. Add in the post id.



    What are the exact dimensions for images that you have on the slider?


    @Nathan_Thomas1: I don’t understand what you cannot edit. Is it just a featured post slider or anything in the Theme Options panel.

    simon olley

    In summary…

    a. get rid of glitch stray word ‘menu’ at bottom of side bar widget menu
    b. get rid of glitch white block and indent behind featured post slider title on homepage (the title indent also looks odd on mobile device)
    c. cannot have theme name in footer (that’s basically why I upgraded to Pro)


    Hum you can use Custom Menu and build your menu. For that you have to go to “Appearance => Menus”. For more about custom menu see this


    @pensfanatics: Yes the text in the slider will be the “Title of the post” and “Excerpt Content of the Post”

    But if you have problem with this then you can use “Featured Image Slider instead of featured Post slider. When you use Featured Image Slider, you can add your own image, title and description all optional as per your need.


    I have a question about inserting images into the Featured Slider Excerpt. These are small icons I have created that I want to add to the slider images like so…

    The image is my end goal. Could you let me know how to make the code allow the images to appear in the excerpt.



    I too am new to WordPress. I love the Catch Everest theme. I installed it and activated it but I don’t know how to change the stock images (Nepal prayer wheels, and Mt. Everest) to my own pictures. What am I doing wrong? ANy help is greatly appreciated!!


    Hi Sakin,

    Just figured it out! Didn’t realize that you had a “hover” on the site name.
    That would explain it. So, I changed the “hover menu” colour and it worked!

    The way you structured the colour options screen is not intuitive. Site name is not a menu. And, what active means, well that’s anyone’s guess. To save time and aggravation, t would be more helpful if the site title could have its own field.

    Oh yes, in the Slider drop down menu its “Featured” not “Featued”. Sorry, the editor in me couldn’t resist!

    All is well, home page looks great. Now onto the side bar!

    Thanks for your help. Karin


    In reply to: Hover options


    I added it in appearance>theme options>featured slider. I followed these instructions you gave me “To have Featured Image without any link then user Featured Image Slider. Which you can do it from “Appearenance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Then select “Image Slider” and add the image you want without a link.”

    Should I use that for my home page image? Or do something else instead?

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